S TRESS P RONOUNS. W HAT IS A PRONOUN ? Takes the place of a noun. Noun is a person, place or thing.

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2 W HAT IS A PRONOUN ? Takes the place of a noun. Noun is a person, place or thing

3 W HAT TYPES OF PRONOUNS DO YOU KNOW ? Subject Pronouns Used as subjects of the sentence Who / what the sentence is about Replaces a subject noun ex) The girl JeNous TuVous Il/elle Ils/elles

4 W HAT TYPES OF PRONOUNS DO YOU KNOW ? Reflexive Pronouns Used with a reflexive verb Ex) se laver Shows the action is being reflected back onto the subject me/m’nous te/t’vous se/s’

5 S TRESS P RONOUNS moinous toivous luilui/elleelleeuxeux/elleselles

6 me

7 you

8 him

9 her

10 us

11 you

12 them


14 U SES OF S TRESS PRONOUNS In sentences with n o verb Pas moi! (Not me!) After c cc c’est or c cc ce n’ est pas C’est moi. (It’s me.) To reinforce subject Moi, je parle français. Before and after e ee et / o oo ou Tu vas avec Paul ou moi? After prepostions (chez, avec, pour, etc.) Je vais avec elle. (I am going with her)

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