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Publié parJulie Thuillier Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Dans la chambre il y a une fille brune. Elle est petite et jeune. C’est une élève. Elle étudie. Il y a aussi une guitare jaune, un vélo rouge, une fenêtre blanche, un bureau orange, et une chaise marron, jaune, et verte. La chaise est devant le bureau. Le livre rouge est dans le sac marron. L’ordinateur noir est sur le bureau. La radio est sur le bureau aussi. La raquette bleu est sous le lit rouge. Il y a une télé bleu et un cd bleu devant la télé.
Je m’appelle ___________________________________________
Bedroom project Objective: Draw and describe a bedroom including AT LEAST 12 objects, ONE person, colors, adjectives, and prepositions. How to: Draw 12 objects in various places of the room (you may draw more) Draw one person in the room (you may draw more) Color the picture (you must use at least 6 different colors). On an index card, write a paragraph describing the items in the room. You must include all items in your paragraph. Attach index card to project. Paragraph requirements: Name each of the objects in the room and their colors. Describe the LOCATION of at least 3 objects. Describe the person in the room using adjectives (not colors here). Describe the location of the person in the room. EVERYTHING IS IN FRENCH Bedroom project Objective: Draw and describe a bedroom including AT LEAST 12 objects, ONE person, colors, adjectives, and prepositions. How to: Draw 12 objects in various places of the room (you may draw more) Draw one person in the room (you may draw more) Color the picture (you must use at least 6 different colors). On an index card, write a paragraph describing the items in the room. You must include all items in your paragraph. Attach index card to project. Paragraph requirements: Name each of the objects in the room and their colors. Describe the LOCATION of at least 3 objects. Describe the person in the room using adjectives (not colors here). Describe the location of the person in the room. EVERYTHING IS IN FRENCH
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