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Publié parAbsolon Labbe Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Warm up Traveling is often fun; write five sentences about your best vacation; where did you go and what wonderful memories you still remember. ( use Passé composé / imparfait).
Objectives Unit one- you will learn to:
Bon Séjour Objectives Unit one- you will learn to: Describe and characterize yourself and others Express likes, dislikes, and preferences Ask for information Unit two- you will learn to: Ask for and give advice Unit three-you will learn to: Ask for, make, and respond to suggestions Relate a series of events
Culture note: French and other European teenagers tend to spend more time visiting historical sites and monuments. During school year, French high schools and students from neighboring countries participate in one or two-week exchanges. Meaning of bon séjour (a stay) and bon voyage ( a trip)
* Mise en train (p.6-7) - vocabulary before reading: Blonde, petite, grande, brune, rouge (p. 6)
How much preparation do you need if you have to go to the airport meet someone you never met before. *Some facts about traveling: passport, to go through customs ( douanes, les douniers )
At the international airport, the knowledge of foreign language is very important. ( career path); the use of different languages to speak to the public/ passengers (flight attendants) After listen to Méprise: Do # 1, 2, 3(p.6) * How to describe yourself and others: read Sandra’s letter (p.9); Do # 5 cd 1 Tr. 3
Changing Gear:(Use a white board and your smart phone)- If you have been selected to travel oversea as an exchange student, put together the best scenario: choose the country (language), the time of the year, clothes and other necessary items to travel with.)
Describing and characterizing yourself and others
To describe yourself: J’ai quinze ans J’ai les yeux bleus J’ai les cheveux courts/longs/noirs/roux Je suis grand(e)/petit(e) To charavterize yourself: Je suis gourmand(e)
To describe others: Elle a sept ans Elles ont les yeus marron/bleus/noirs. IIs ont des cheveux blonds, bruns/chatains. Elle est fort(e) IIs sont de taille moyenne. To characterize others: II est intelligent/ Elles sont sympas. ** Handouts ** Exit Ticket**
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