The Conditional Tense (a) ~ used to say what would happen if something else occurred (b) ~ also used to talk about intentions or ambitions.

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Présentation au sujet: "The Conditional Tense (a) ~ used to say what would happen if something else occurred (b) ~ also used to talk about intentions or ambitions."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 The Conditional Tense (a) ~ used to say what would happen if something else occurred (b) ~ also used to talk about intentions or ambitions

2 (a) ~ what would happen If I had forty pence, I would buy a packet of crisps. If it was fine, we could (would be able to) go to the beach. If you had done your homework, I would be very happy. If the restaurant was closed, we would eat in town.

3 (b) ~ intentions + ambitions I would like to go abroad for my holidays. We would like to buy souvenirs of the area. Where would you like to spend your holidays in the future?

4 How to form the conditional tense Add the imperfect endings to the future stem Jouer → je jouerais (I would play) Finir → tu finirais (you would finish) Attendre → il / elle / on attendrait (…would wait) Manger → nous mangerions (we would eat) Choisir → vous choisiriez (you would choose) Prendre → ils / elles prendraient (they would take)

5 Irregular verbs and the conditional tense Faire → fer → je ferais (I would do) Avoir → aur → j’aurais (I would have) Aller → ir → j’irais (I would go) Etre → ser → ce serait (it would be) Pouvoir → pourr → on pourrait (we could) Devoir → devr → je devrais (I should) Vouloir → voudr → je voudrais (I would like)

6 Si je pourrais aller n’importe où et à n’importe quel prix ……. (style 1)….. je voudrais aller en Egypte où je pourrais voir les pyramides. (style 2)….. j’irais en Egypte pour voir les pyramides. (style 3)….j’irais en Egypte et je visiterais les pyramides.

7 Si je pourrais aller n’importe où et à n’importe quel prix……… à New Yorkj’iraisen Tunisie et pour voiroù je visiteraiset je ferais je voudrais allerles magasinsles souks où je pourrais visiter les chameaux la Statue de la Liberté

8 Où voudrais-tu aller en vacances à l’avenir? en Australie → Ayers Rock, les kangarous à New York → la Statue de la Liberté, les magasins à Florida → les dauphins, les parcs d’attractions en Tunisie → les souks, les chameaux en Nouvelle Zélande → le beau paysage, les Maoris Write three complete sentences. Try to use each style of sentence. Refer to your information sheet to help you. Extra! …… What would it be like? Add an opinion!

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