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CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 CARNORAIL : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens.

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1 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 CARNORAIL : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers 30 Mars 2015

2 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Presentation of Carnot Institutes. Carnot Institute ARTS. Structuring for railway industry: CARNORAIL Contents

3 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Presentation of Carnot Institutes

4 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Carnot institutes Network Goal: development of partnership research to the benefit of companies. – A system set up by the French research Ministry in 2006 – Management and assessment by the French research national agency (ANR) – A network coordinated by the association of the Carnot Institutes (AiCarnot) Highly selective calls for proposal Carnot institutes approved for a 5 years renewable period The Carnot Chart: the Carnot’s network spirit and ethics for quality of partnership research 4

5 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 A multidisciplinary research network dedicated to technology transfers and industrials partnerships 34 Carnot Institutes 19 000 researchers 7 700 PhD 350 M€ directs contracts 416 M€ public contracts 600 patents / year 130 spinoff / year A structured network led by AiCarnot

6 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Carnot Institute ARTS

7 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 7 15 partners: CARNOT Institute ARTS 22 Labs LAMIH

8 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Strategy Scope : Engineering sciences Technological challenges – To optimize the product by the product-material- process coupling study – To improve energy systems – To develop complex industrial products

9 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Departments of iC ARTS 9 Transport Health Others Energy Department M2P Materials, Mechanics, Processes Department M2P Materials, Mechanics, Processes Department FISE Fluids, Energy systems Department FISE Fluids, Energy systems Department CIRD Design, Industrialization, Risk and decision Department CIRD Design, Industrialization, Risk and decision

10 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Department M2P: Mechanics, Materials, Process Technological plateforms: Manufacturing processes Operating performance of materials and structures Caracterization materials and surfaces Technological plateforms: Manufacturing processes Operating performance of materials and structures Caracterization materials and surfaces Topics: Mechanics Materials Process To optimize the product by the product- material-process coupling study

11 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Department FISE: fluids and energy systems Technological plateforms: Conversion of energy systems Characterization et tests Turbomachinary Modeling, Simulation Technological plateforms: Conversion of energy systems Characterization et tests Turbomachinary Modeling, Simulation Topics: Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics Energetics, Thermokinetics Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation To improve energy systems

12 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Departement CIRD: Design industrialization risk and decision 12 Technological plateforms: Methods and tools for innovation and integrated design Eco-design Integrated digital engineering Virtual prototyping Technological plateforms: Methods and tools for innovation and integrated design Eco-design Integrated digital engineering Virtual prototyping Topics: Knowledge formalization Advanced industrialization technologies Digital collaborative engineering Virtual reality To develop complex industrial products

13 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Structuring for Railway Industry

14 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Consortium CARNOT Partners

15 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 French Railway industry is characterized by major integrators and SME, but very few middle-market companies. SMEs must form consortia to reply to industrial call for tenders and propose complete sub-units to integrators. CarnoRail proposes to support these consortia of SMEs in the field of research, innovation and training. Management of each consortium by a senior expert recruited by CarnoRail.

16 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015

17 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Lightweight design Reduce energy consumption, noise pollution, wear : toward increase of network productivity Optimization of safety, comfort and durability. Coupling of « material elaboration– manufacturing and assembly processes – in service life and extremes conditions – recycling » (plastic, composite material, elastomer, metallic alloy, ceramic and glass).

18 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Energy efficiency Energy optimization of the drive train and more generally of the rail system. Smart energy management (multi power sources). Improved management of in board devices (heating devices, lights, air conditioning…)

19 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Maintainability of units and sub units Major challenge for railway industry, unavailability induced by maintenance lead to high financial losses SME have a partial view (corresponding to their sub unit) of the whole maintenance of a train. Roadmap : optimization of the maintainability of sub-units developed by SMEs in coordination with integrators and bigger companies.

20 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Interoperability and reliable communications Safe operation strongly linked to spacing of trains on a given track. Improvement of ICT lead to increase of flow (refined localization of trains). New standards (WIFI, WIMAX, Bluetooth, generalization of smartphones, mobile internet, 3G, 4G, … Dissemination of studies coming from cars development (mobility 2.0 in France) (-> smart and connected railway system)

21 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 Management of CarnoRail

22 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015

23 CarnoRail : Compétences, objectifs, missions et moyens Paris, Musée des Arts et Métiers, 30 Mars 2015 « MERCI POUR VOTRE ATTENTION »

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