Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb.

2 Le présent de l'indicatif
By present tense we are referring to something that is occurring now.

3 the French Verb REGARDER
which means TO WATCH.

4 the verb REGARDER (This is the Infinitive of the verb) belongs to a common group of verbs that all have the same conjugations.

5 REGARDER is a member of the REGULAR -ER verbs group, this is because the Infinitive ends in ER.

6 “Er” verbs Regarder Parler Écouter Étudier Donner Habiter Chanter
danser Travailler Manger Aimer Détester Marcher Arriver Embrasser pleurer

7 REGARDER is made up of the root 'REGARD' and the ending 'ER'.
What about “arriver” What is the root ? What is the ending ?

8 English / French ways to say 'TO WATCH' (in the present tense),
I watch you watch he/ she watches We watch You watch they watch French Je regarde tu regardes i/ elle regarde Nous regardons Vous regardez Ils/elles regardent

9 Root ending Je Regard e Tu Regard es Il / elle Regard e Nous Regard ons Vous Regard ez Ils/ elles Regard ent

10 Review: subject pronouns
English French  I je You tu He il She elle We nous You vous They ils They elles

11 To speak I speak You speak he speaks she speaks we speak You speak
The trick to learning verbs is to learn the endings and apply them to the 'root' of the verb. Lets take another example 'PARLER' which means 'TO SPEAK' To speak I speak    You speak       he speaks   she speaks     we speak    You speak they speak Parler Je parle Tu parles Il parle Elle parle Nous parlons Vous parlez Ils parlent Elles parlent


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