Mathematics In the mathematics classroom, there are some chairs with desks, there is a whiteboard with markers and chalk. There is a teacher desk, there.

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2 Mathematics In the mathematics classroom, there are some chairs with desks, there is a whiteboard with markers and chalk. There is a teacher desk, there are a ruler and set square, there is a video projector, there are origami hanging from the ceiling, there is a TV set, there is one computer for the teacher and there are pupils !!!


4 interview 1)Bonjour pouvez-vous vous présenter ? 2)Quels est le programme de l’année ? 3)Quels sont les logiciels que nous allons utiliser ? 4)Ferons-nous plus de géométrie ou plus d’ algèbre ? 5)Utilisez-vous votre vidéoprojecteur ou d’ autres outils ? 6)Quels activités ferons-nous ? 7)Ferons-nous des sorties ? 8)Voulez-vous ajouter quelque chose ?

5 This is a mathematics competition for the best pupils !

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