Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Takuya S.. DirectTranslationIndirectTranslation Me/m’MeMe/m’Me Te/t’YouTe/t’You Le/l’Him, itLuiHim/her La/l’Her, itNousUs.

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1 Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Takuya S.

2 DirectTranslationIndirectTranslation Me/m’MeMe/m’Me Te/t’YouTe/t’You Le/l’Him, itLuiHim/her La/l’Her, itNousUs NousUsVousYou VousYouLeurThem LesThem

3 Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns Indirect object pronouns- replace the people in a sentence to/for whom the action of the verb occurs. Placed in front of the verb. Direct object pronouns- replace the people or things that receive the action of the verb in a sentence. Placed in front of the verb.

4 Present Tense, Imparfait, Passé Compose Imparfait Tu le mangeais Je lui disais bonjour Indirect and Direct Je la regarde Elle lui parle

5 Present Tense, Imparfait, Passe Compose Passe Compose Nous les avons finis Vous lui avez envoyé une lettre

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