NOUNS A noun is a word which names a thing or a person. Listen and read the extract and try to identify the nouns you hear. Dans ma famille il y a 4 personnes,

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2 NOUNS A noun is a word which names a thing or a person. Listen and read the extract and try to identify the nouns you hear. Dans ma famille il y a 4 personnes, ma mère, mon père, ma soeur et moi, j’ai aussi un chat qui s’appelle Gaston. J’habite dans une grande maison à Nimes. Je vais à l’école tous les jours. J’ai beaucoup d’amis. ECOUTEZ

3 famille personnes mère père soeur chat maison Nimes écolejours amis Gaston All these have a gender- look at the table in the next slide

4 NOUNS femininemasculinepluralProper nouns famillepèreAmis (m)Nimes mèrechatJours (m) soeurPersonnes (f) maison école Gaston

5 NOUNS In French all nouns have a gender (ie they are either masculine or feminine) The only problem is that there aren’t any rules really, so the best way to know is to learn each noun with the article in front. Example: une/la trousse un/le livre If you have no idea what something is, look it up in the dictionary and it will tell you. You will see (m) or (f) after the noun.

6 Find the gender of these nouns and put them in the table below MasculinFéminin ordinateurtélévision portablecuisine télephonepère bouteillemère tee-shirtsoeur tablefrère livre chaise bureau crayon jardin

7 Correction MasculinFéminin ordinateurtélévision portablecuisine télephonepère bouteillemère tee-shirtsoeur tablefrère livre chaise bureau crayon jardin

8 Singular/plural A noun is singular if it refers to only one thing or one person It is plural if it refers to 2 or more things or persons. In French we have a special article to show that it is plural: Les Les the (plural) or Des Dessome s example: la trousseles trousses You do not pronounce the s at the end of the words ECOUTEZ

9 Ecoutez et écrivez Listen to the sounds again and write the words you hear in the box below: ECOUTEZ

10 CORRECTION + jeux Car tune Sink the boat

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