Vive le Vent This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the Sparkle Speak song ‘Vive le Vent’ from the ‘À l’école’ album. This beautiful French version of.

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Présentation au sujet: "Vive le Vent This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the Sparkle Speak song ‘Vive le Vent’ from the ‘À l’école’ album. This beautiful French version of."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Vive le Vent This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the Sparkle Speak song ‘Vive le Vent’ from the ‘À l’école’ album. This beautiful French version of Jingle Bells features native French singer Céline Dos Santos.‘À l’école’ album

2 ♪♪ Vive le Vent ♪♪ Jingle Bells in French Illustrated by children from Cornwood School.

3 Vive le vent, vive le vent…

4 …vive le vent d’hiver

5 Qui s’en va sifflant soufflant

6 dans les grands sapins verts.

7 Oh! Vive le temps, vive le temps…

8 …vive le temps d’hiver

9 Boules de neige et Jour de L’An

10 Et Bonne Année grand-mère !


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