Les Pronoms d’Objet Direct Steven Kobosko. What are they? Direct Objects follow a verb Receive the direct action of the verb Il aime la glace. Il l’aime.

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1 Les Pronoms d’Objet Direct Steven Kobosko

2 What are they? Direct Objects follow a verb Receive the direct action of the verb Il aime la glace. Il l’aime. Direct Object pronouns come before a verb Used to reduce redundancy He likes ice cream. He likes it.

3 Direct Object Pronouns Me Te Le, La Nous Vous Les Me You Him, Her, It Us You Them

4 Common Verbs Take Direct Objects like in English Aimer Appeler Faire Inviter Porter Prendre Savoir Voir

5 Exemples Vous nous voyez. Ils le portent. Nous t’avons appelé. Je vous ai invité. Tu l’aimes. Elle les prend. You see us. They’re bringing him/it. We called you. (PC) I invited you. (PC) You like him/her/it. She takes them.

6 Problem Verbs Some verbs take a direct object in french, where in english it takes an indirect object. Je l’attends. Tu ne m’écoutes pas. Attendre (to wait for) Chercher (to look for) Écouter (to listen to) Regarder (to look at) I’m waiting for him/her. You’re not listening to me.

7 Some Rules Infinitive Elle veut le voir. “le” used to express an idea (abstract) Je le pense. Imperative Suivez-moi! She wants to see him/it. I think it. Follow me!

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