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GCSE Speaking Assessment Presentation Based Discussion In your first GCSE Speaking Assessment, you are being interviewed by your French friend for their.

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Présentation au sujet: "GCSE Speaking Assessment Presentation Based Discussion In your first GCSE Speaking Assessment, you are being interviewed by your French friend for their."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 GCSE Speaking Assessment Presentation Based Discussion In your first GCSE Speaking Assessment, you are being interviewed by your French friend for their school magazine on the topic of Hobbies and Leisure. The speaking test is organised in much the same way as the writing assessments. You may be asked about: Your free time – what you do, how often you do it… What you like on TV and your musical preferences, and your views on the cinema… Your plans for the weekend… You will be given a number of questions to prepare. The test will be recorded and sent to the exam board.

2 1.Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire dans ton temps libre? (free time, present tense, what you usually do + opinion)

3 2.Est-ce que tu aimes faire du sport? (sports you do, why you like it, how often, with whom, for a team etc)

4 3. Tu préfères quel genre de musique? (simple answer with je préfère…)

5 4. Qu’est ce que tu aimes regarder à la télé? (je préfère +type of programme and example)

6 5. Qu’est ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier? (PAST TENSE)

7 6. Qu’est ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain? (FUTURE TENSE)

8 7. Qu’est-ce que tu fais normalement pendant ton temps libre? (Descriptions and opinions)

9 8. Tu aimes regarder la télévision? (Descriptions and opinions)

10 9. Est-ce que tu vas souvent au cinéma? (Descriptions and opinions)

11 10 Tu aimes faire du shopping? Où fais-tu tes achats? (Descriptions and opinions)

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