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Publié parGaston Labbé Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Les adjectifs
L’accord des adjectifs (agreement of adjectives) Adjectives must “agree” or “match” the word they are describing.
In general, you add an “e” to make an adjective feminin. – Brun -> brune – Il est brun. Elle est brune.
If the masculine form of the word ends in an “e”, the feminine form is the same. (Don’t add anything) Il est timide. Elle est timide.
There are several irregular forms. beau -> belle nouveau -> nouvelle vieux -> vieille sportif -> sportive italien -> italienne gros-> grosse
Cliff Notes Version Add e to make feminine If the masculine form ends in e, add nothing. Irregulars – You just have to memorize them.
Plurals Same basic rules. To make an adjective plural, add s. If the singular version already ends in s, add nothing. Irregulars..
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