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Publié parClaude Lafond Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Objective To understand how to use the imperfect tense in French. Outcome All of you will be able to understand how to form the imperfect tense. Most of you should be able to know when to use the imperfect tense. Some of you might be able to combine the imperfect tense and the perfect tense (passé composé).
Exercise One Look at the phrases on the board and try to work out any rules for forming the imperfect tense. Nous regardions J’allais Il écoutait Elle faisait Vous discutiez Ils sortaient Tu mangeais
To form the imperfect tense: 1. We need the ‘nous’ form of the verb in the present tense: E.g. nous jouons 2. Then we take off the ‘nous’ and the ‘-ons’ and are left with the stem: E.g. jou- 3. Then we add the endings that go with the correct subject: Subject PronounStemEnding JeJou-ais TuJou-ais Il/Elle/OnJou-ait NousJou-ions VousJou-iez Ils/EllesJou-aient* * a way of remembering the pattern of vowels in this ending is: All Intelligent Elephants Nibble Toffee
The ONLY irregular form of the imperfect tense is with the verb être. E.g. J’étais – I was Therefore, you add the endings to the ét- stem.
When do we use the imperfect tense? 1.The imperfect tense is used to describe a continuous action in the past. 2.To translate was or were. 3.To say ‘used to’ 4.To describe/set the scene in the past tense.
Exercise Three Translate the following sentences into English, remember to look at why the imperfect tense is used! 1. Quand j’étais jeune, je jouais au foot avec mon frère. _____________________________________________________ 2. Le matin il pleuvait et l’après-midi il y avait du soleil. _____________________________________________________ 3. Avant de devenir interprète, ma mère était professeur. _____________________________________________________ 4. Je mangeais du fast-food, mais maintenant je mange des fruits. _____________________________________________________ 5. Nous étions tristes parce que l’Angleterre a perdu la coupe du monde. _____________________________________________________
Exercise Four Translate the following into French, I have given you the ‘nous’ form of each verb for help. ‘nous’ formEnglishFrench BuvonsWe used to drink PensonsI was thinking LisonsHe was reading ÉcoutonsThey (ils) used to listen to FaisonsI was doing ParlonsYou (tu) were speaking MangeonsThey (elles) were eating RegardonsShe was watching AllonsI used to go TravaillonsWe used to work ‘nous’ formEnglishFrench BuvonsWe used to drinkNous buvions PensonsI was thinkingJe pensais LisonsHe was readingIl lisait ÉcoutonsThey (ils) used to listen to Ils écoutaient FaisonsI was doingJe faisais ParlonsYou (tu) were speakingTu parlais MangeonsThey (elles) were eatingElles mangeaient RegardonsShe was watchingElle regardait AllonsI used to goJ’allais TravaillonsWe used to workNous travaillions
Using the passé composé and the imperfect tense: The imperfect tense is continuous The perfect tense is a completed action E.g. Je faisais du ski quand soudain je suis tombé – I was skiing when suddenly I fell
Translate the following into English: 1. Je faisais mes devoirs quand j’ai reçu un texto de mon ami. _____________________________________________________ 2. Ma mère travaillait dans le jardin quand mon père a commencé à parler. _____________________________________________________ 3. Ils regardaient la télé quand mon petit frère est entré dans le salon. _____________________________________________________ 4. Que faisais-tu quand tu as vu l’accident ? _____________________________________________________ 5. Nous écoutions de la musique quand le téléphone a sonné. _____________________________________________________
…… et finalement Use your knowledge of the imperfect (and the passé composé) to construct some sentences of your own. I have given you a few phrases to help you. Vocabulaire De nos jours NowadaysQuand j’étais jeune When I was young AutrefoisIn the past/previously Mais maintenant (+ present) But now AuparavantEt soudain (+ passé composé) And suddenly D’autrefoisIn the olden daysIl y avaitThere was/were
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