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Adjective agreement the wizard way

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1 Adjective agreement the wizard way
Adjectiva accordia! Adjective agreement the wizard way

2 Casting adjectiva accordia
Adjectiva accordia is a very complex spell. In order to cast it correctly, you must learn all of the steps. The steps are many but are fairly simple. Learn them all and you will master this spell.

3 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 1 – know the correct type of words to use What is an adjective? Examples…

4 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 1 cont. We start with physical descriptions – height and size. Look at the following pictures to determine the correct words for your adjectiva accordia spell…

5 Hagrid est grand. Professeur Flitwick est petit.

6 Crabbe est gros. Cedric est mince.

7 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 1 cont. Make your descriptions better by using adverbs like “assez”, “très”, and “un peu”.

8 Casting adjectiva accordia
Hagrid est grand. Madame Maxime est très grande.

9 Casting adjectiva accordia
Professeur Slughorn est assez gros. Oncle Vernon est très gros.

10 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 1 cont. Now we move on to describing people’s hair and eyes. Again, look at the following pictures and read the sentences to get the correct words for your spell.

11 Draco a les cheveux... blonds.

12 Oliver Wood a les cheveux…

13 Ginny a les cheveux… roux.

14 Harrry a les cheveux… noirs.

15 Dumbledore a les cheveux…

16 Voldemort n’a pas de cheveux. Il est…

17 Padma a les cheveux… longs

18 George a les cheveux… mi-longs

19 Seamus a les cheveux… courts

20 Susan a les cheveux… raides

21 Hermione a les cheveux…

22 Rita a les cheveux… bouclés

23 Professeur Sprout a les yeux…

24 Dobby a les yeux… verts

25 Narcissa a les yeux… noirs.

26 Lucius a les yeux… bleus

27 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 1 cont. Now some more words to help you describe people. While these are not adjectives, they are useful to know.

28 Harry a des lunettes. Myrtle a des lunettes. Dumbledore a des lunettes. Professeur Flitwick a des lunettes.

29 Dumbledore et Aberforth ont des barbes.
Professeur Lupin a une moustache.

30 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 1 cont. Now that you know some of the words to describe people, let’s practice using them.

31 Professeur Snape

32 Sirius Black

33 Cho Chang

34 Bellatrix Lestrange

35 Professeur Lockhart

36 Lavender Brown

37 Professeur Trelawney

38 Mad-eye Moody

39 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 1 cont Our next group of adjectives describes personality. They are used to tell how people behave and what others think of them. Pay close attention to the adjectives as we go through this section.

40 sérieux

41 marrante

42 méchante

43 gentil

44 sportif

45 intelligente

46 More adjectives généreux fort timide créatif génial pénible sympathique paresseux joli mignon bavard chauve égoïste âgé jeune nouveau vieux beau

47 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 2 Now to learn the wand motion. Watch and practice.

48 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 3 Now that you know the right words to use to describe people, you have to make them agree. Point to remember – adjectives agree with their nouns in gender and number!

49 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 3 cont. This step has two parts: a. Check gender (m/f) b. Check number (s/p)

50 Casting adjectiva accordia
If the noun is masculine, use the base form: grand petit brun blond intelligent méchant marrant fort If the noun is feminine, add –e to the base form: grande petite brune blonde intelligente méchante marrante forte

51 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 3a cont. joli fort intelligent génial méchant

52 Casting adjectiva accordia
Some of the adjectives are irregular and have stem changes before adding the -e. sportif sportive bon bonne créatif créative long longue généreux généreuse mignon mignonne sérieux sérieuse blanc blanche paresseux paresseuse roux rousse gros grosse gentil gentille

53 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 3b This part of the step involves checking for number. Look at the noun and determine if it is singular or plural. Then cast your spell to make your adjective agree. le garçon fort – singular, no change les garçons forts – plural, add -s

54 Casting adjectiva accordia
Step 3b cont. Cast adjectiva accordia to make each of the following adjectives plural. gentille pénible grosse mince marrante noir sportif bouclé fort bleu belle raide

55 Casting adjectiva accordia
step 3b cont. If an adjective ends in –s or –x, do nothing to make it plural. Les professeurs sont gros. Ron et Dudley sont paresseux. Les Weasley sont roux.

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