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Christina Arecy April 10 th 2012
In the standard dictionary, the term legacy is define as a gift by will especially of money or other personal property or something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. As for I, legacy to me is something much greater than a materialistic gift, but it is a gift of talent that was bestowed on someone. Or legacy to me, is a path that an individual craved for others to follow and transmitted from generation to generation.
Both of my family came from the country side of Haiti, L’artibonite and Archaie. My great grandfather from my mother side, left a lot of land for my grandfather who is still alive as of today. My Grandfather, since he was young work on the land and now it is one of the most beautiful garden in the little town we live in. Though I have no possession of the land my grand father’s land; I have possession over my late father land, which is in another town in Haiti.
I intend to contribute to my family’s legacy, by going to school and having ties with my culture. I plan to do many great projects back in my mother’s and father’s homeland and help the people who are in the need of help. This legacy has always been in my DNA to help others and as well as my family.
Le nom de ma soeur est Valentina Elle a vingt-et-une ans Elle est actuellement en son année junior à l'université elle est la première dans ma famille intermédiaire d' aller au collège
Le nom de ma mère est Margareth Elle a 43 ans Elle laisse un héritage de ma famille parce qu'elle est une femme forte
Esther est ma filleule Elle as 3 ans elle aura un héritage de sagesse pour les générations futures parce qu'elle est si intelligente
Bertha est ma tante elle est une femme forte qui aime aider les autres elle a laissé un héritage en son fils unique emmanuel
carmen est ma grand- mère Carmen est ma grand- mère elle était l'épine dorsale de la famille elle a laissé un héritage de la sagesse, l'amour, et la force de la femme dans la famille qui passe par un grand nombre de la lutte dans la vie
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