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Nous allons…….. apprendre par cœur les mots qui décrivent le caractère

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Présentation au sujet: "Nous allons…….. apprendre par cœur les mots qui décrivent le caractère"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Nous allons…….. apprendre par cœur les mots qui décrivent le caractère
réviser les mots qui décrivent la fréquence écrire un texte pour décrire la famille

2 timide optimiste sérieux (se) bavard (e) pessimiste discret (ète) sympa travailleur (euse) paresseux (euse) antipathique drôle extraverti (e) serious hard-working quiet shy horrible outgoing lazy pessimistic funny talkative/chatty nice optimistic

3 timide optimiste sérieux (se) bavard (e) pessimiste discret (ète) sympa travailleur (euse) paresseux (euse) antipathique drôle extraverti (e) serious hard-working quiet shy horrible outgoing lazy pessimistic funny talkative/chatty nice optimistic

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 s……a p …..e s..l…....x ext…………i t…………e tr…v…....eur b…v…......e o…………e This slide offers pupils some support to trigger their memory and enable them to reproduce the words accurately in French, in response to you saying the number. Depending on the class, it might first be useful to go through them all again with them, then allow them two mins in pairs to practise, before then eliciting answers from the whole class. pa……ss……x d………t dr e an…..p………e

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 These 12 adjectives of character were introduced in the previous lesson. More work needed now to memorise. Dependent on the level of the class, perhaps begin by saying the words and pupils identify the correct number. To increase length of concentration and the demands on the memory, you can say two or three at once. For pronunciation practice as necessary, you could give several alternatives for a given number and the pupil must select and repeat the correct French word.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sympatique pessimiste sérieux extraverti
timide travailleur bavarde optimiste This slide offers pupils some support to trigger their memory and enable them to reproduce the words accurately in French, in response to you saying the number. Depending on the class, it might first be useful to go through them all again with them, then allow them two mins in pairs to practise, before then eliciting answers from the whole class. paresseux discret drôle antipathique

7 toujours normalement souvent parfois jamais toujours normalement
Most words here are revision from last year (except ‘souvent’ which is new). These words are also on their core language sheet and need to be learnt very well so they can be used in their writing as well as speaking. Last year I taught and practised these using hand gestures as a reminder of the frequency meaning of the word. Both top and bottom sets said they found them useful for learning (and enjoyable to do!) I can show these if you can’t quite visualise what I mean! parfois jamais jamais

8 Traduis en anglais 1. Ma mère est normalement sympa mais parfois sérieuse. 1. My mum is usually nice but sometimes serious. 2. Mon père est toujours optimiste. Il n’est jamais négatif. 2. My dad is always very optimistic. He is never negative. 3. Mon frère est parfois drôle mais il est aussi paresseux. These sentences are to act as a model for them when they do their own writing about their families. They encourage them to use the essential connectives and time expressions, as well as simple negative structures as well as just the adjectives. This will obviously make their self-expression more interesting. Always useful to make this explicit to them too and refer to NC levels etc.. 3. My brother is sometimes funny but he is also lazy. 4. Mes amis sont toujours drôles et sympas. 4. My friends are always fun and nice.

9 Comment est ta famille? Ma ________ est ________
Mon ________ est ________ Je suis_______________ We are not focussing on writing for its own sake with these classes but rather as a means for them to improve what they can say in French and to help them structure their spoken presentations. This piece is therefore preparation for part of their PowerPoint presentation at the end of this module. They should be encouraged to refer to the core language sheet and vocabulary book but need to know that the most important thing is that they can say/pronounce what they write down. In your writing, include frequency words and connectives and don’t forget to say also how people are NOT, as well as how they are.

10 Nous avons…….. p p p appris par coeur des adjectifs de caractère
révisé toujours, parfois, etc écrit un texte sur la famille p p

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