Nom Fonction Entreprise

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1 Nom Fonction Entreprise
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Administrez plus efficacement l’environnement informatique de votre PME [Note to Presenter: Make sure you read the latest SCE FAQ on Objective: Introduce the presentation and the presenter(s). Talking Points: The business landscape is evolving. The traditional way people work together—in an office, branch office, or in the field—looks very different today than it did even a couple of years ago. What we’d like to demonstrate for you today, is that you can leverage many of your existing technology investments to extend the reach of your business and enable your people to drive better business results from an optimized and secured infrastructure. Transition: What is the key ingredient? Nom Fonction Entreprise © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

2 Programme Défis métier Relier les objectifs informatiques et métier
Défis liés à l’administration de l’infrastructure Présentation de System Center Essentials 2007 Résumé

3 Les employés sont au cœur des PME
Les employés, à tous les niveaux, sont le moteur de réussite d’une entreprise. Avec les bons outils, vous leur permettez d’être plus performants pour : Développer et consolider des relations clients plus rentables Élaborer des produits et des services innovants Améliorer les opérations et réduire les coûts Créer des relations à haute valeur ajoutée avec les fournisseurs Objective: Emphasize how business results are dependent on people at all levels of the organization. Talking points: People are driving the results that help midsize businesses succeed. People in all areas and levels of organizations collectively impact the success of the organization. It is employees who collaborate, manage, and complete a variety of work processes that drive business results—employees in areas such as sales and marketing, operations, finance, and network infrastructure. Leaders throughout midsize organizations recognize that the follow four business goals drive success: Build and strengthen profitable customer relationships. Create innovative products and services. Improve operations and reduce costs. Build high-value relationships with suppliers. If you amplify the impact of employees, you create greater success. IT’s role is to enable people to work more efficiently. Transition: Let’s examine how technology solutions can help meet the various challenges a business faces—from both the business and IT perspective.

4 Défis métiers et informatiques des PME
Défis informatiques Défis métiers Plateforme pour un avantage concurrentiel Mondialisation Complexité Mobilité Concurrence Réglementation Sécurité Informations en temps réel Exigences clients Technologies Objective: Establish the need for innovative technology solutions from both business and IT perspectives. Talking Points: According to a recent IDC report, midsize companies face both business and technology challenges. Business decision makers, such as CEOs, and technical decision makers, such as IT Generalists, think about achieving business performance with their specific priorities in mind. Whereas CEOs are primarily concerned with increasing profitability, IT Generalists are faced with different but related challenges. They need to: Grow the technical skills of the organization’s employees. Align IT with business goals and objectives. Gain internal credibility. Enable improved decision making for users throughout the organization. Meet governance and compliance regulations. Reduce costs while growing capabilities. And, in order to best empower people to achieve business goals in a competitive marketplace, organizations must support: A mobile workforce. Dynamic IT resources. Real-time information availability. Modular investments (such as, LOB applications). Virtualization. Transition: So, how do midsize organizations IT capabilities relate to their overall business objectives? Communication Chris, Administrateur généraliste Charles, PDG Contraintes de ressources Rentabilité

5 Les ressources informatiques permet la croissance
3/26/2017 3:54 PM La capacité informatique La performance métier fournit Entreprises regroupées en quartiles de ressources informatique Score moyen en ressources informatiques* Croissance moyenne des ventes sur 2 ans** 1ère tranche de 25% 73,7% 28,4% 2ème tranche de 25% 60 23,1 Objective: Demonstrate IT’s role in making Midmarket companies productive. [Optimizing your IT Infrastructure drives Business Performance] Talking Points: Last year, research findings from Keystone Strategy indicated that there is a very strong correlation between a company’s IT capabilities and their average sales growth. The graph on the left presents companies based on their IT capabilities, where the top 25% have made the strongest investments in, and use of, IT. The graph on the right presents the average 2-year sales growth of those same companies, where the companies with the greatest IT capabilities have been enjoying the strongest sales growth. We’ve seen in research and in the experience of Microsoft’s midsize business customers worldwide that there is a direct correlation between the use of technology solutions and business profitability. Specifically, the more effectively a company uses and integrates software and technology solutions into business processes, the more successful the organization. Transition: Today we are going to drill down on Increasing your IT Management capabilities and how Microsoft can help you. 3ème tranche de 25% 50 21,4 4ème tranche de 25% 35 17,4 Source : Keystone Strategy, Inc., 2005 *Statistique brute de corrélation entre les ressources informatiques et la croissance des ventes garantie à 97,7%. **Le taux de croissance des ventes peut sembler élevé mais il concorde avec le taux de croissance à 17,17% de l’U.S. Bureau of Economic Statistics sur les 24 derniers mois concernant la fabrication des biens durables. 5

6 Défis majeurs liés à l’administration de l’infrastructure
Résoudre la plupart des problèmes avant leur apparition Trouver rapidement une solution aux problèmes qui ont lieu Garantir le fonctionnement de l’infrastructure Améliorer l’efficacité des utilisateurs Proposer des outils économiques pour réparer les pannes auprès des utilisateurs Minimiser le coût de déploiement des nouvelles applications vers les utilisateurs Maintenir les systèmes à jour avec les derniers correctifs de sécurité quel que soit le fournisseur d’application Garantir l’exécution à temps des changements Maintenir les systèmes à jour Comprendre ce dont disposent les utilisateurs, acheter les licences logicielles adéquates Conformité à la réglementation d’État ou interne Garder un suivi des matériels / logiciels Acquérir, déployer, administrer et apprendre à utiliser plusieurs applications complexes pour accomplir ces tâches. Objective: Articulate Top Pain points for Midsized Businesses. [This is the foundation for the next slides, so be sure to spend a good amount of time articulating all the pain points] Talking Points: Over the last three years, we’ve talked to many midsized organizations about their IT Management challenges. What’s different about IT management in midsize businesses? For one thing, we an IT Generalist who performs a broad range of IT tasks, rather than being specialized as we find in Enterprise. Typically, these IT challenges fall into four main categories. Keeping IT Infra up and running: How to move from a reactive to a proactive state and anticipate problems. Improving End User productivity: A fair amount of time is spent helping end-users with their IT issues, and also keeping up with business demands in terms of having the latest business applications Keeping up with Security Patches: Microsoft and third-party application providers Keeping Track of What I Have: Tracking what I have vs. what I need (planning), controlling licenses, hardware and software installed in each of the user machines Slide Build: To address these challenges, traditionally midsize organizations have had to deal with either expensive & complex Enterprise solutions or resort to manual processes and point solutions that only solve some of these challenges. Transition: Until today.

7 System Center Essentials 2007 Une solution unifiée pour les PME
Une solution unifiée dotée d’une console unique pour l’administration de vos serveurs, clients, matériels, logiciels et services informatiques Expérience unifiée Superviser, dépanner et garder un suivi du parc pour maintenir votre environnement sécurisé et à jour Slide Objectives: Introduce Essentials 2007 Talking Points: Based on this type of customer feedback, Microsoft has built System Center Essentials 2007 (SCE 2007), which is a new IT management solution designed specifically for midsize businesses. To address the IT management challenges of midsize businesses, Essentials 2007 has been designed to align with three key themes: First, a unified management experience so the IT administrator can perform the broad range of tasks they need to perform from a single console and solution 2. Second, IT management functionality and knowledge that helps them more proactively manage their IT environment, and 3. Third, we’ve kept things simple to make IT management easier, and therefore more efficient. Transition: Let’s drill down into each of these key capabilities Administration proactive Exécuter facilement des tâches d’administration complexes telles que le dépannage des problèmes utilisateur, la supervision, et le déploiement des logiciels serveur et client. Efficacité renforcée 7 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

8 Expérience unifiée 3/26/2017 3:54 PM
Midsize companies often can’t afford the expense and complexity of using multiple management tools, so we’ve designed Essentials as a unified product. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

9 Console unique, solution unique
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Une console pour toutes les tâches d’administration Pages de présentation avec des fonctions de d’analyse Interface ergonique proche d’Outlook Panneau d’administration pour les utilisateurs avancés Slide Objective: Convey the message of a Single Solution and Single Console Talking Points: The IT staffs of Midsize Businesses are spread thin; they can’t afford the luxury of learning multiple applications, or switching between multiple tools on a daily basis to manage their environment - it just adds time and complexity to an already difficult job. That’s why we’ve built a single solution through a single console to address these management needs. One tool to learn and use. You can start from the high level overview of your network and drill down on the areas that need resolution. You will also notice that Essentials has familiar “Outlook” look and feel, so your staff can easily get oriented to the user interface and will be up and running in no time. There is also a detailed administrative console space for more experienced users. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

10 Création de rapports intégrée
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Fonctionnalité de création de rapports Création de rapports sur toutes les données informatiques Rapports d’état journaliers sur des indicateurs clés Plus de 50 rapports prêts à l’emploi, notamment Tendances d’état et de disponibilité Résumés quotidiens Planification de la capacité Les rapports peuvent être transmis par courrier électronique ou sauvegardés Slide Objective: Present built in Reporting capabilities Talking Points: Essentials leverages the rich reporting capabilities of SQL Server 2005 to help you generate rich reports on data in your environment. These reports can then be printed, ed or posted to the web based on the needs of your intended audience. You’ll get a daily Health summary in your inbox with a high-level comprehensive view of what’s happening in your IT environment For reporting flexibility, there are more than 50 reports at you disposal. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

11 Administration par anticipation
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Administration par anticipation We’ve also worked on helping you learn about problems before they become big issues to help minimize your systems and user downtime, and provide you the information you need to run your business © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

12 Supervision Supervision des serveurs, des clients et des matériels
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Supervision des serveurs, des clients et des matériels Packs d’administration incluant des connaissances pour la résolution d’incidents instantanée Diagnostic et dépannage des problèmes sans se déplacer Supervision réseau pour tous les matériels compatibles SNMP Nul besoin d’être un spécialiste de Microsoft SQL Server ou de Microsoft Exchange pour résoudre rapidement les problèmes Objective: Explain the Monitoring Capabilities of SCE Talking points: One of the challenges many IT pros face is troubleshooting servers. Diagnosing a problem can be time consuming and often leads to multiple sources of information. At the heart of Essentials is the Monitoring engine. Essentials allows you to Monitor Servers, Clients, SNMP Devices, applications and services on your network The Management packs are optimized for Midsized businesses focusing on critical events so you don’t get overwhelmed by alerts The Management packs provide information on each error, explaining the causes and more importantly providing solutions and often links inline to click and fix the problem immediately. This means you don’t have to be an expert to fix the issues Out of the box, Essentials includes many core Management Packs for things like: Windows Server, Exchange, SQL Server, Dynamics CRM, Office, Sharepoint and more. Many additional Management packs are available from the Operations Manager web site. For SNMP devices, Essential provides health status, performance information and alerts on misconfiguration for all SNMP devices. If the device has interfaces, we’ll provide monitoring for those interfaces (like a switch or router). Complete list: Microsoft CRM 3 0 Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Information worker, including: Microsoft InformationWorker Office 2003 Microsoft InformationWorker Office 2007 Microsoft InformationWorker Office XP Microsoft InformationWorker Windows Explorer Microsoft InformationWorker Windows Internet Explorer Microsoft InformationWorker Windows Media Player Microsoft InformationWorker Windows Outlook Express and Mail Microsoft InformationWorker Windows Windows And MSN Messenger Microsoft SharePointPortal Server 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft System Center Network Device Microsoft Windows Client 2000 Microsoft Windows Client XP Microsoft Windows InternetInformationServices 2000 Microsoft Windows InternetInformationServices 2003 Microsoft Windows Server 2000 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows Server AD 2000 Microsoft Windows Server AD 2003 Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Service 2000 Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Service 2003 Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2003 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

13 Rapports d’état journaliers
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Inutile d’accéder à la console tous les jours Livrés directement dans votre boîte de réception tous les matins Rapports présentant les informations fondées sur les exceptions pour vous permettre de hiérarchiser vos tâches d’administration Statut de supervision Conformité des mises à jour État des logiciels Inventaire des systèmes d’exploitation Espace disque disponible Inventaire des applications logicielles principales Talking Points I mentioned briefly the Daily Health Report, having this information delivered to you on daily basis allows you to stay on top of things in your IT environment. You only need to access the Essentials Console if there is an issue that needs your attention. For example you can track what applications are your users installing, the status of the latest patch compliance or the hard drive space usage. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

14 Inventaire matériel et logiciel
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Plus de 30 attributs recueillis sur le matériel -serveurs et clients Inventaire Ajout / Suppression de programmes afin de recueillir le nom et les informations de version des logiciels serveur et client Informations d’inventaire disponibles pour l’aide à la décision en matière de dépannage et de diagnostic Talking points Many companies have a hard time tracking Software and Hardware assets. By the time they collect the information it’s already outdated and manually updating spreadsheets is time consuming. Essentials gathers more than 30 hardware attributes. For example when deciding which machines are Windows Vista capable you can get a report on the amount of video memory they have, and figure out which machines need upgrades. Additionally you can get a detailed report on what applications are installed in each machine, and use than when troubleshooting problems in end users. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

15 Efficacité renforcée 3/26/2017 3:54 PM
Traditionally deploying a Systems Management Solution required lots of planning, time and money. Most of what is available in the market today is built for big IT budgets and Big IT departments. Trying to implement these types of solutions can be frustrating and expensive. Let’s talk about how we deal with this in Essentials © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

16 Installation simple 3/26/2017 3:54 PM Vérification de la configuration requise avant l’installation Configuration automatique et intelligente des paramètres par défaut Configuration après l’installation à l’aide de 3 Assistants simples d’emploi Packs d’administration optimisés pour les PME Découverte automatisée des ordinateurs sur le réseau Talking Points One of the key design considerations for Essentials was to make sure we could get you up and running in a couple of hours, making sure the Setup process took care of the plumbing through a series of simple configurations wizards. Right from the start, Essentials setup checks for all the pre-requisites, things like available memory, .Net framework 2.0,etc and points you to the place where you can download and install minimizing the chances of something going wrong. All the default options are based on customers input about what their configuration should look like. After setup, 3 simple wizards guide you to configure Essentials and start managing your network right away. We take care of things like firewall exceptions so the agents can be deployed easily. Finally computers can be automatically discovered as they are added to the network so no need to worry about maintaining computer groups. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

17 Diffusion logicielle 3/26/2017 3:54 PM Diffusion des applications logicielles vers les ordinateurs client et serveur Prise en charge des applications MSI et EXE Assistant simple d’emploi pour l’installation des applications en 3 étapes Rapports sur le statut de déploiement Déploiement des application Microsoft ou autres Prise en charge d’un processus d’installation à la demande Talking Points One of the biggest pain points in adopting new technology can be the actual deployment of that technology. Deployment often results in touching the desktop and sometimes physically visiting machines to update them with scripts, or asking users to invoke a setup process. Essentials takes the pain out of software deployment. By using a simple wizard you can deploy software to the machines in your network, or create a special target group for deployment. You can get deployment status on the package and even enforce an “Install Now” procedure Essentials is a great way to deploy Office 2007! © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

18 Administration des mises à jour
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Déploiement de toutes les mises à jour à partir de Microsoft Update Mise à jour d’autres applications que Microsoft ; la mise à jour des applications tierces est intégrée Rapports interactifs pour garantir la conformité des mises à jour Résolution rapide et simple des problèmes à l’aide de mises à jour Talking Points: Once you deploy software you can make sure you keep it up-to-date with the latest patches We’ve worked with third-party vendors like Adobe to incorporate their Patch catalog into Essentials so you can have a one stop solution to Patch Management [Note to presenter: This is exclusive to SCE, WSUS does not support 3-rd party Patch Mgmt] Essentials will also help you keep track of compliance, understand which computers are updated During update configuration you can also pick which types of patches you want to download and establish manual or automatic approval for them. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

19 Dépannage des postes des utilisateurs
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Obtention d’informations détaillées sur la configuration PC d’un utilisateur Réalisation des opérations à distance directement à partir de la console Talking Points Too much time today is spent supporting end users, and without the right tools, the problem only gets worse. We’ve added a task pane that allows you to troubleshoot remote users with the most common tasks, for example: Get inventory of applications List Processes & Services Remote Assistance or Remote Desktop © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

20 System Center Essentials 2007
Démo System Center Essentials 2007

21 Produits d’administration et solutions par segment
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Autodidacte Spécialiste informatique Info utilisateur / fonction Administrateur généraliste L’administration de serveur est une responsabilité secondaire L’administration de serveur est sa responsabilité principale, partagée toutefois 1 à 2 administrateurs généralistes à temps plein 5 à 10 administrateurs généralistes avec un domaine de spécialisation Spécialistes par charge de travail Utilisateurs à domicile Segment MS Petite entreprise Moyenne entreprise Grande entreprise Segment de base Segment intermédiaire Segment supérieur 10 25 50 100 250 500 Nb de PC Unified management product for core and upper mid market Up to 500 PCs Up to 30 Servers SBS “Cougar” and Centro will integrate Essentials 2007 management technology in the Longhorn timeframe Produits et marché qu’ils ciblent © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

22 Fondations robustes Technologies de 3ème génération
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Plus de entreprises clientes A obtenu le prix Windows IT Pro 2005 Readers’ Choice Administration d’applications et d’opérations (MOM 2005) Des milliers de téléchargements A obtenu le prix Windows IT Pro 2005 Readers’ Choice Solution d’administration des correctifs Objective: Position SCE as a product built on 3.0 generation technologies Talking points: We’ve built Essentials 2007 using two 3rd generation technologies, We’ve taken the investment in Ops Mgr Engine (MOM) and WSUS, two very successful and mature technologies, and used that as a foundation for Essentials, adding increased functionality to support Midsized organizations. [Note to presenter: The main purpose of this slide is to convey that Essentials is not a 1.0 product; at the core it’s based on two 3rd generation products, this slide is not for architecture or functionality comparison discussion] © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

23 Topologies prises en charge
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Topologie Essentials Topologie unique : Tous les composants sur un seul ordinateur exploitant SQL Server Express ou SQL Server Standard Topologie distribuée : Console à distance, Base de données à distance Nœuds administrés Clients : Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista Serveurs : Windows Server 2000 SP4, Server 2003 SP1, R2, Windows Longhorn Server Talking Points: Essentials is a single server solution, meaning that you will only buy 1 essentials server to take care of your management needs. Essentials ships with SQL Server Express so you don’t need to buy additional software, you can choose to buy it with SQL Server standard for increased performance or use a SQL Server you already own Essentials is designed to leverage Active Directory because it makes things easier You can choose to install all the components on one server, or have a separate database and install the console on your desktop machine. Essentials can manage clients and servers from Windows 2000 SP4 and the essentials Agent requires no additional hardware requirements than those of the existing host OS. Transition: And we’ve facilitated the upgrade to Essentials by leveraging the investment you have in these existing tools © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

24 Mise à niveau sur Essentials 2007
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Mise à niveau et intégration simples à partir des jeux d’outils d’administration existants Windows Server Update Services 2.0 et 3.0 Mise à niveau qui préserve les informations existantes de mise à jour Mise à jour de WSUS lors de l’installation d’Essentials Operations Manager 2005 Prise en charge de la migration des packs d’administration issus d’Operations Manager 2005 et d’Operations Manager 2005 Workgroup Edition Exécution côte à côte pour préserver les opérations de supervision stratégiques Version d’évaluation d’Essentials 2007 sur 90 jours Aucune réinstallation nécessaire. Vous pouvez saisir à tout moment une clé de licence au détail ou en volume pour activer le produit. Talking Points: We recognize that many companies are currently using WSUS or even MOM Workgroup edition, so we’ve worked to make the upgrade to Essentials easy. For WSUS, Essentials will preserve all data and upgrade the current WSUS installation. For Ops Mgr you can migrate the management packs and choose to run servers side by side You can use the trial version today and easily convert it to a full version any time! © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

25 Résumé Avec Essentials, votre entreprise :
3/26/2017 3:54 PM Simplifie l’administration de l’infrastructure Réduit les coûts et la complexité Renforce la sécurité Améliore l’efficacité Talking Points: So today we’ve talked about current IT challenges faced by midsized businesses, and how Microsoft is building a unified solution designed & priced to meet your needs, that will allow your company to: Simplify by having one single tool to meet your IT management needs. Reduce costs and gain more time to focus on solutions that will help grow your business by enabling IT tasks to be completed more quickly and efficiently and allowing you to automatically keep track of what you have. Improve security by keeping your Microsoft and 3-rd party software up to date and keeping your valuable information assets secure. Enhance the productivity of end users by helping to prevent IT issues, and more proactively diagnosing and troubleshooting issues that do occur leading to increased overall up time for users and systems. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

26 Visitez le site
Étapes suivantes Visitez le site Téléchargez la version d’évaluation valable 90 jours Livres blancs, questions fréquentes et autres ressources ! Next Steps: Visit the Essentials Website, download and evaluate RC1 today!

27 Questions et réponses Pour les présentations techniques en ligne : Vous avez des idées à partager sur les présentations techniques en ligne ? Contactez-nous : La présentation d’aujourd’hui a été diffusée via Microsoft® Office Live Meeting. Pour une version d’évaluation gratuite valable 14 jours :

28 End presentation with a call to action and positive, forward-looking statement.
Talking point: Choose infrastructure solutions from Microsoft for your IT staff and watch them—and your bottom line—soar. We look forward to helping you optimize and secure your core infrastructure! © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. Microsoft, Active Directory, Antigen, Forefront, Outlook, SQL Server, Windows, Windows NT, Windows Server, Windows Server System, Windows Vista et les autres noms de produit sont soit des marques déposées, soit des marques de fabrique de Microsoft Corporation aux États-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Les informations de cette présentation sont fournies uniquement à titre indicatif et représentent la position actuelle de Microsoft Corporation à la date de la publication. Microsoft s'adapte aux conditions fluctuantes du marché et cette opinion ne doit pas être interprétée comme un engagement de la part de Microsoft ; de plus, Microsoft ne peut pas garantir la véracité de toute information présentée après la date de la présentation. MICROSOFT EXCLUT TOUTE GARANTIE, EXPRESSE, IMPLICITE OU STATUTAIRE, EN CE QUI CONCERNE LES INFORMATIONS DE CETTE PRÉSENTATION.

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