Why? Extended language Sentence level work Cultural Find out new language Stimulus for creativity Reinforce everything children do in English Fun for.

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Présentation au sujet: "Why? Extended language Sentence level work Cultural Find out new language Stimulus for creativity Reinforce everything children do in English Fun for."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Why? Extended language Sentence level work Cultural Find out new language Stimulus for creativity Reinforce everything children do in English Fun for pupils, motivating and confidence- building Fun for you !

3 What? Traditional tales Stories which are simple, repetitive & exciting Fit the story to the pupils maturity level Stories with attractive illustrations Use books or make them up yourself

4 What? Books: Childrens books Big books Write your own ! Use online authoring tools PowerPoint (More about this later!)



7 What can I do with a story? Pupils react to sounds/words/phrases with a physical response Pupils act out parts of the story Pupils provide sound effects, missing words or phrases, or a refrain Provide a good model of pronunciation and sustained language. Pupils have to listen and concentrate

8 What can I do with a story? Read story to the class, then repeat certain words, reading from word cards Read story to pupils, they join in saying some key sentences and words while performing actions and sound effects. Children can gradually take over the storytelling. Involve children in the story from the start with actions and gestures, choral repetition of language, complete repeated sentences, hold up a card when you hear a certain thing


10 What would I do with this story? Choral reading, enjoying the animal noises Do an action every time you hear an animal word Find the animal words and their genders Find the word for says Use dictionary to find other animals Research the sounds the new animals make Use writing frame to write own story Un/Una _____ dice _____

11 Je mappelle David. Jhabite aux États-Unis et je parle anglais.

12 Je mappelle Isabel. Jhabite au Mexique et je parle espagnol.

13 Je mappelle Elsa. Jhabite en Suisse et je parle allemand.

14 Je mappelle Robert. Jhabite au Canada et je parle français.

15 Je mappelle Sonja. Jhabite en Afrique du Sud et je parle afrikaans.

16 Et toi? Comment tappelles-tu? Où habites-tu? Quelle langue parles-tu?

17 How can I present my own story? Mini-books

18 How can I present my own story? StorybirdStorybird Wiki Storyjumper

19 Click the wall to find out more www.wallwisher.com/wall/storytelling

20 So what now ? Sign up for Storybird or Storyjumper Think of a topic for which you could create a short story Get started ! To share your story: Storybird: On the homepage of your story, click on Send to a friend Storyjumper: My > select story > share

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