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Publié parJacquie Hubert Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Ferme de mon oncle 65 hectares (céréales, betteraves sucrières, lin, endives) 400 200 taurillons BBB engraissement Pluriactivité Staphyt: Expérimentation agronomique AgriBrussels www.agribrussels.com Visites des Institutions européennes Visites dexploitations pour les décideurs européens
4 Active farmers 400 ha 80% Leased Diversified Crop production, Dairy, Beef, Appels,… Services, selling at the farm, appel juice,… 6.5 full time family workers, 3.5 FT employees Between 300 and 800.000 loan 2 Landowners farmers 350 ha 2 old farmers> 65 years 100ha No tractor for this 4 « farmers » 1.5 FT Workers in a big contractor Standard crop production No Loan 60% Direct payments and 40% Rural development payments for the active farmers
Not only payments/ha!!! Support animal production Basic payments for young farmers Basic payments for old farmers >65 years Except if they destine to sell/give their farm to young farmers
Decrease the instalation cost An European guaranty found Listen CEJA
xavier.bourgeois@agribrussels.com www.agribrussels.com
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