(Nom du fichier) - D1 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D Le présent document contient des informations qui sont la propriété de France Télécom. L'acceptation.

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Présentation au sujet: "(Nom du fichier) - D1 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D Le présent document contient des informations qui sont la propriété de France Télécom. L'acceptation."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 (Nom du fichier) - D1 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D Le présent document contient des informations qui sont la propriété de France Télécom. L'acceptation de ce document par son destinataire implique, de la part de ce dernier, la reconnaissance du caractère confidentiel de son contenu et l'engagement de n'en faire aucune reproduction, aucune transmission à des tiers, aucune divulgation et aucune utilisation commerciale sans l'accord préalable écrit de France Télécom R&D MARTIGNY 2 27-28 February 2001 Michel DUPIRE, Bernard MARTI

2 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D2 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT Position è Summary ‡ General remarks ‡ ITU -T Role ‡ Urgent objectives for ITU-T ‡ Organisation ‡ After Martigny 2

3 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D3 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D General remarks è Martigny 1 ‡ This meeting has been very productive, has lead to many new ideas and concrete proposals. ‡ The conclusions have been generally well perceived by ITU-T membership But ‡ The Conclusions of Martigny 1 did not impact enough on the ITU-T Reform Process è Martigny 2 ‡ Should re-enforce the conclusions and refine them towards concrete organisation proposals. ‡ Martigny 2 should be more visible towards the institutional ITU bodies: TSAG, Working Group on Reform, Council, Plenipotentiary Conference ‡ Should define concrete communication plans to urge the adoption of the proposals by decisional entities.

4 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D4 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT Position : ITU-T Role è Key role in regulation ‡ Numbering ‡ Accounting... è Key role in transversal standards ‡ Global Interoperability ‡ Global Quality of Service and performance; Security ‡ System or service architecture How to build a service from individual bricks, ITU-T provided or borrowed from outside ‡ Taking existing Networks/Services into account è Redefined role in vertical or specialised standards ‡ Take account of the existence of specialised fora ‡ Target at complementing them instead of competing with them, ‡ Participate in the creation of new fora/workshops (part of ITU organisation, ITU sponsored or other type of relationship)

5 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D5 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT Position : Urgent objectives for ITU-T è Increasing importance of Time-to-Market for new services : ‡ ITU-T must be more reactive and more efficient è Increasing risk in the decisions of opening new services ‡ ITU-T must open to the outside world ‡ ITU-T should consider as legitimate for risk taking actors that they take themselves the corresponding technical decisions (role of consortia/fora) ‡ ITU-T should take its part in this process : Exemple of ISO-IEC role in PAS ITU-T represents the « public » environment while fora represent limited (although important) private interests. ITU-T role vis-a-vis fora is to: –Check the suitability of publicly available specifications to ITU-T members interests, –Request modifications as required, –Include them in the ITU-T standards references if relevant

6 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D6 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT position : Organisation (1) è ITU-T organisation : strongly reformed but as a single entity ‡ Redefine some of the working methods ‡ Redefine the type of deliverables ‡ Redefine the financing process ‡ Incorporate ALL ITU standardization topics è ITU Projects ‡ Open to external entities (SDOs, Fora) ‡ Defined mandate, objectives, duration ‡ Forum-type methods of working Autonomy, creation of internal WGs,... Financing rules? (membership fees, participation of ITU, possibly by secretarial support, hosting, …) Statutes and IPR rules

7 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D7 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT position : Organisation (2) è Develop open Workshops ‡ Within ITU-T framework ‡ Use conclusions to feed/create Projects and/or ‡ Feed SGs è Redefine deliverables ITU-T produced and approved ITU-T approved from ITU-T Project production ITU-T approved from external production ‡ Define approval procedures for Project produced specifications External publicly available specifications

8 La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D (Nom du fichier) - D8 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D FT Position : after Martigny 2 è Martigy 2 position must be better known by and more visible to : ‡ TSAG (March and November 2001 meetings) ‡ Reform group ‡ Council ‡ Plenipotentiary Conference è ITU-T and partners in Martigny 2 should communicate : ‡ Edit a leaflet, create a website, send mail to Member States/ Sector Members. ‡ Define a communication plan so as to : è Be in a position to have emergency measures adopted in PP- 02 ‡ If not : ITU-T will progressively become an empty shell in the standards arena Community will loose a precious agent in worldwide balance of standards making process

Télécharger ppt "(Nom du fichier) - D1 - 01/03/2000 France Télécom R&D Le présent document contient des informations qui sont la propriété de France Télécom. L'acceptation."

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