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Technologies clés génériques

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Présentation au sujet: "Technologies clés génériques"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Technologies clés génériques
A quels objectifs répondent la programmation KET et multi-KET d'Horizon 2020 Herbert von Bose Directeur Technologies industrielles, DG Recherche & Innovation

2 Les technologies clés génériques ou KET (Key enabling technologies en anglais)
6 KET identifiées : micro- et nanoélectronique matériaux avancés biotechnologie industrielle photonique nanotechnologie systèmes avancés de fabrication The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security. 2

3 KET et enjeux stratégiques pour l'Europe
Enorme potentiel pour la compétitivité et l'emploi Positionnement de l'Europe Forces : recherche et brevets (acteurs européens dans le Top 10 du classement des brevets pour chaque KET) Faiblesses : lien entre recherche technologique et production industrielle ("paradoxe européen") Phases identifiées pour renforcer le positionnement européen : Développement de produit (notamment démonstration) Production The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security.

4 Derniers développements stratégiques pour les KET
Stratégie européenne pour les KET COM(2012)341 adoptée le 26 juin 2012 Dont: - Prioriser les KET dans H2020, politique de cohésion et instruments financiers de la BEI - Coordonner les activités européennes et nationales - Favoriser l'enrichissement mutuel entre KET Politique industrielle COM (2012) 582 adoptée le 10 octobre 2012 Dont :assurer le déploiement industriel des KET, notamment à travers les Partenariats européens pour l'innovation et la spécialisation intelligente The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security. 4

5 Traduction dans Horizon 2020 : positionnement
Excellence scientifique Primauté industrielle Défis de société Conseil européen de la recherche Primauté dans les domaines des technologies génériques et industrielles Santé, évolution démographique et bien-être Technologies futures et émergentes sécurité alimentaire, agriculture durable, recherche marine et maritime et bioéconomie Accès au financement à risque Actions Marie Curie Innovation dans les PME Infrastructures de recherche Energies sûres, propres et efficaces Budget indicatif : 17 938* Budget indicatif : 24 598* Transports intelligents, verts et intégrés The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security. lutte contre le changement climatique, utilisation efficace des ressources et matières premières sociétés inclusives, novatrices et sûres Budget indicatif : 31 748* * En millions d'euro, , à prix constant 2011 5

6 (million d'euro, 2014-20, à prix constant 2011)
Traduction dans Horizon 2020 : budget indicatif (million d'euro, , à prix constant 2011) Primauté dans le domaine des technologies génériques et industrielles Dont total KET 13 781 5 894 Accès au financement à risque 3 538 Innovation dans les PME 619

7 Traduction dans Horizon 2020 : lignes stratégiques
Une approche commune pour les KET (couvre aussi TIC et Espace) Activités basées sur les agendas R&D&I définis de manière transparente avec l'industrie et la communauté scientifique Focus sur le développement technologique, activités de démonstration à grande échelle, bancs d’essai et laboratoires vivants, prototypage et validation de produits dans des lignes pilotes Attention particulière sur une approche intégrée (multi-KETs) Accent sur ​​la mobilisation des investissements du secteur privé The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security. 7

8 Focus - les partenariats public privé (PPP) : présent et perspectives
Leçons tirées des 3 PPP du recovery package du 7ème PCRDT (programmes de travail ) : Rôle central de l'industrie pour définir les priorités de recherche Feuilles de route multi-annuelles permettant des plans d'investissement à long terme Utilisation croissante des projets de démonstration et de ceux ciblant les PME ~45-50% participation de l'industrie, dont ~20-25% PME Derniers développements: Rôle des partenariats d'innovation européens (ex. mesures pour stimuler la demande) Engagement de l'industrie (déclaration d'Aarhus, juin 2012) The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security.

9 Focus - les partenariats public privé (PPP) et H2020
Critères précis pour la mise en place de PPP. 2 types de PPP : institutionnalisés (comme JTI, cas limités) ou arrangements contractuels. Les PPP du 7ème PCRDT (bâtiments économes en énergie, usines du futur, voitures écologiques, Internet du futur) pourraient être reconduits. Possibilité de nouveaux PPP dans des domaines tels que: photonique et robotique, processus industriels durables, bio- industrie, technologies de sécurité pour la surveillance des frontières maritimes The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security. 9

10 Merci pour votre attention!
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