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Publié parAnsel Bourdin Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
la nature des sensations sentir des choses différentes –dans une modalité sensorielle –dans différentes modalités sentir plutôt que rien sentir
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Le problème de la conscience phénoménale Brain mechanisms Sensations Sensory inputs Actions
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Sentir = exercer une habilité sensorimotrice
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Sentir = exercer une habilité sensorimotrice
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan le cerveau génère savoir et actions le cerveau génère les sensations vision classique nouvelle vision
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan la nature des sensations sentir des choses différentes –dans une modalité sensorielle –dans différentes modalités sentir plutôt que rien sentir
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan sensory input = f ( action ) Sensorimotor Contingencies (D. M. MacKay, 1956)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Feeling Softness knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical of softness are currently being obeyed.
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Seeing Red knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical of red are currently being obeyed.
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Red is the way red things change the light (Broackes, 1992)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Non-uniformity of color sampling
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Dual Purkinje Eye Tracker ( Françoise Vitu & Denis Lancelin)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
Aline Bompas with split-field glasses
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
Previous efforts Kohler 1951 + Mc Collough 1965 - Harrington 1965 - Leppman & Wieland, 1966 +
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Forced choice more yellow-ish more blue-ish
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Judging white after removing glasses % responses blue color
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan la nature des sensations sentir des choses différentes –dans une modalité sensorielle –dans différentes modalités sentir plutôt que rien sentir
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan big change expanding flow shifting flow nothing big change no change increasing amplitude asynchrony big change nothing blink: move forward: turn sideways: cover ears: cover eyes: SEEING HEARING Intermodal differences
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Tactile Visual Sensory Substitution Bach y Rita (1972; 1984)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan testing P. Meijers The vOICe (M. Auvray)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Audio-Tactile Substitution Aline Bompas, Kevin ORegan right microphone Vibrator on right leg left microphone Vibrator on left leg isolating head phones
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
Botvinick & Cohen, 1998
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Seeing Straightness knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical of straightness are currently being obeyed.
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
Cortex Retina Visual field
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
What is a sensorimotor law? S = f(M) INTRINSIC way of describing relation which is independent of the code (Differential geometry, Lie Groups)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Philipona, O Regan & Nadal, Neural Computation 2003
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Philipona, O Regan & Nadal, Neural Computation 2003
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan la nature des sensations sentir des choses différentes –dans une modalité sensorielle –dans différentes modalités sentir plutôt que rien sentir
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Why is sensory experience different from other mental phenomena? Corporality/Bodiliness –tight link to body motions Alerting capacity/Grabbiness –transients incontrovertibly grab attention
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Corporality/Bodiliness if voluntary motions systematically affect input e.g. visual, auditory, etc. also: proprioception not: autonomic sensory pathways
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Alerting Capacity/Grabbiness capacity to peremptorily interfere with cognitive processing (can cause exogenous attentional capture) e.g. visual, auditory pathways, etc. not: vestibular, proprioceptive, autonomic sensory pathways
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Remembering
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Seeing
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan "raw feel"
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan "raw feel"
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan alerting capacity vision, hearing pain INCREASING SENSORY FEEL thought, memory obsession, worry proprioception richness happiness loneliness fear love embarassment vestibular sense driving touch, smell corporality
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan EXERCISING A SKILL ! The experience of softness E. Myin
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan The experience of softness E. Myin EXERCISING A SKILL ! COGNITIVELY ENGAGING IN
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan cognitively engaging in: Having an experience the exercise of a skill thinking, remembering motor skills: perceiving: different qualities Sensory Quality Phenomenality bodiliness & grabbiness bodiliness
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness J.K.ORegan & A.Noë Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 2001 http://nivea.psycho.univ-paris5.fr
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan La conscience phénoménale en une phrase Avoir une sensation (perceptive) = être en train d accéder au savoir qu on exerce actuellement une habilité sensorimotrice d un type spécifique spécificités des habilités sensorimotrices perceptives: monde comme source d informations (mémoire externe) corporalité capacité d alerte
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Mystères de la conscience phénoménale
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Ressources Transparents du cours et autres infos: http://nivea.psycho.univ-paris5.fr http://nivea.psycho.univ-paris5.fr Articles en ligne sur la conscience: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~chalmers/online.html http://www.u.arizona.edu/~chalmers/online.html PSYCHE http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/ JCS http://www.imprint.co.uk/http://www.imprint.co.uk/ Abstracts de conférences régulières: ASSC http://www.assc.caltech.edu/http://www.assc.caltech.edu/ Tucson (Toward a Science of Consciousness) http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/tucson/index.html http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/tucson/index.html
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Quelques suggestions darticles 1 !! = contraire de mon approche; * = compatible mais nexpliquant pas la P-conscience très neuro: * Moshe Bar & Irving Biederman, Localizing the cortical region mediating visual awareness of object identity (awareness area) * Nancy Kanwisher, Neural events and perceptual awareness (review on NCC) !! Christof Koch (NCC) !! Gabriel Kreiman, Itzhak Fried, & Christof Koch (Single neuron awareness) Erik D. Lumer *and Geraint Rees (Awareness and rivalry) Lumer, Friston & Rees (aware percepts in rivalry) Maknik & haglund (optical images correlate with percept not with input) Sahraie, L. Weiskrantz, J.L. Barbur, et al (aware and unaware areas in blindsight) D.L. Sheinberg & N. Logothetis (aware vs unaware neurons in rivalry) !! R. Srinivasan, D.P. Russell, G.M. Edelman, & G. Tononi !! G. Tononi, R. Srinivasan, D.P. Russell, & G.M. Edelman (awareness in large numbers of synchronous neurons) !! S. Zeki, S. Aglioti, D. McKeefry, & G. Berlucchi (V1-V2 wavelength; V4 color constancy)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan Quelques suggestions darticles 2 plutôt psycho ou philo: * Bernard Baars (comparison of aware and aware states) ** Chalmers (phil discussion of NCC: good!) !! Churchland (misguided hope in neural hypotheses) !! Cotterill (master module) !! Crick & Koch (time for NCC!) !! Eccles (presynaptic vesicular grids of the boutons ) ? Hernegger (how brain generates sensations? Interesting?) ** Hurley & Noë (cortical dominance and deference) Rees, Kreiman & Koch (review on NCC) !! John Smythies (biochemical basis of coma) ** Ruediger Vaas, (Why neural correlates of consciousness are fine, but not enough (seems good!) * Baars (global workspace article) * Myles Bogner, Uma Ramamurthy, & Stan Franklin, Consciousness and conceptual learning in a socially situated agent (seems interesting!) !! Stanislas Dehaene, Michel Kerszberg, and Jean-Pierre Changeux !! Stevan Harnad Consciousness: An afterthought (an attempt to account for P-consc. Interesting?) !* Anthony Jack & Tim Shallice, Introspective physicalism as an approach to the science of consciousness (doesnt explain P-consc?) !!!! Steven Lehar, Gestalt isomorphism (mystical?) * Don Mathis & Michael Mozer (temporally stable computational states…) * Josh McDermott, Global workspace theory: Consciousness explained? (interesting critique of Baars) ?? George McKee, The engine of awareness: Autonomous synchronous representations (somehow time provides qualia…)
Master ENS 2004 - ORegan
Sensory consciousness J.K.ORegan & A.Noë, A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 2001 Corporality/Alerting Capacity (bodiliness/grabbiness) J.K.ORegan, E. Myin & A.Noë, Towards an analytic phenomenology (in press) D. Philipona, J.K.ORegan, J.-P. Nadal, Is there anything out there? Inferring space from sensorimotor dependencies. Neural Computation (in press). Phenomenality Sensory Quality Mathematics: Inferring Space http://nivea.psycho.univ-paris5.fr
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