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The Partitive French 1 Ch 8. What is the partitive? When discussing food, you need to be able to indicate whether you are talking about a whole item or.

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Presentation on theme: "The Partitive French 1 Ch 8. What is the partitive? When discussing food, you need to be able to indicate whether you are talking about a whole item or."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Partitive French 1 Ch 8

2 What is the partitive? When discussing food, you need to be able to indicate whether you are talking about a whole item or some of an item. This is the partitive – use it when you are only having part of the item. –EX: Je vais acheter une tarte. Tu veux de la tarte? Une tarte – a whole pie de la tarte – some of the pie

3 plural Starts with a vowel male female After a negative Ways to say some : Put du, des, de la, de l, de/d into the chart

4 Partitive vs. Definite Article The definite articles (le/la/les) are used when you speak in general terms. –EX: Jadore les tartes! I love pies! BUT: Jai envie de manger de la tarte – I feel like eating some pie.

5 Exceptions to the Rule: Negatives: –Any negative expression used with an indefinite (un/une/des) or a partitive article will change to simply de. EX: Je vais manger une salade! Tu veux une salade? Non, je ne veux pas de salade. EX: Je mange de la tarte. Pas moi, je ne mange pas de tarte.

6 Exceptions, continued After expressions of quantity: Nouns and adverbs that express quantity or measure are followed by de without the article (definite or indefinite) before another noun – EX: beaucoup de, assez de, trop de, combien de, peu de, plus de… Une boîte de, une gramme de, une bouteille de, une douzaine de, une tasse de… Une douzaine doeufs Une tasse de sucre Beaucoup de poissons! Trop de gens!

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