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Publié parPascal Walter Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
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QCA Unit 16 – Scène de Plage
The link to download the whole qca unit 16 in pdf format is Jo Rhys-Jones - Kingswear Primary School 2008
rouge blanc orange bleu violet noir vert marron jaune
Click on the word and move it to the correct picture. In ‘show’ mode, click on the word and move cursor to the appropriate colour. Click again to leave the label there. How many can your class do? How fast can they do them all? rouge blanc orange bleu violet noir vert marron jaune
X O O X O X O X practise & revise colours with a class game of le morpion – noughts & crosses. Divide class into 2 teams, one half noughts the other crosses. If ‘crosses’ choose (and say correctly) ‘bleu’ for example, click on a cross and move your cursor to the blue crayon. Click again and the cross will stay there. Now it is ‘noughts’ turn. First team with a line of three wins. O X
National Gallery:Link to picture online
Introduce new vocabulary & revise colours by describing an item, eg La mer est verte (The sea is green). Children indicate which part of the picture you are describing. National Gallery:Link to picture online
Combien de personnes y-a-t-il?
Il y a _____ personnes qui portent noir. Il y a _____ personnes qui portent rouge. Il y a _____ personnes qui portent blanc.
Il y a.. un bateau noir. un chien marron.
une dame qui porte une écharpe bleue. un homme qui porte une barbe noire.
Il y a.. un sac marron. une serviette blanche et bleue.
Le sable est jaune. Le parasol est vert et blanc.
Le ciel est bleu. La mer est verte.
Il y a des enfants qui se baignent. Le bateau est rouge. Discuss why there is an e on verte.
Quel temps fait-il? Il fait beau? Il fait froid? Il pleut?
Il fait chaud?
au/o/eau vélo chaud beau météo bateau eau Soundfile from LCF Babelzone
Now ‘bat’ the sound to the class – you say ‘au’ and mime a beach volleyball serve, they say ‘au’ and return it. Repeat a few times, with more or less energy. To keep this soundfile which is freely downloadable from LCF Babelzone ( you need to make sure the powerpoint stays in the same folder as the soundfile, especially if moving this powerpoint from one computer to another, make sure you move the whole folder. Soundfile from LCF Babelzone
La dame brosse les cheveux de la petite fille.
La fille a les cheveux bruns.
le ciel
la plage
le parasol
la pelle
le seau
le bateau
les coquillages
le sable le château de sable
la mer
Le La est mer sable plage garçon fille chien seau ciel bateau parasol
rouge bleu jaune vert marron blanc noir orange rose bleue verte blanche noire Le La est How many sentences can the children make with these words? To make this harder, in ‘normal’ view, select all and format font so it is all black (automatic), so there are no clues as to gender of the nouns. Children can then be encouraged to check in a bilingual dictionary. Extend by adding les and sont…
le seau le château de sable le bateau
Click on the word and move it to the correct picture. What do you notice about these words? le seau le château de sable le bateau
X O O X O X O X Le morpion time again! O X
Click on the letters to spell the word
Click on the letters to spell the word. Say the letters as you move them. How fast can you do it? a l b t e a u e
g a a l e l p
s a l l o a p r e
Regardez le vidéo How many times do you hear the words …mon seau?
…ma pelle? What colour is the boat? What other languages do you hear in the song? If you can’t access YouTube at school you can download the video using realplayer (free to install type it into google – it will let you download just about any video from the internet) or copy and paste this link into ZAMZAR and enter your so it will be sent to you to download and play offline.
Some extras: Printout a colour-by-number worksheet in French from Village des Petits. Try PeintureFLE for online drawing games to practise colours, shapes and instructions. The Prescot School site has some lovely online games with sound to practise colours.
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