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Publié parAlayna Blondeau Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
That which I did with whom ? Relative Pronouns qui and que.
Whats it all about ? qui and que are called relative pronouns. They are used for people and things, and mean: who whom, which, and that.who whom, which, and that.
How do we know which to use? 1 st, the grammatical reason
Qui When the relative pronoun (who / that / which) is the subject of the clause, use qui. My brother who is called John. Mon frère, qui sappelle John. M.Shrimpton, who lives in Diamond Harbour. M. Shrimpton, qui habite à D.H.
Que When the relative pronoun (who / that / which) is the direct object of the verb in its clause, use que. The dog that I know… Le chien que je connais… The book which I m reading is boring. Le livre que je lis est ennuyeux.
Got that ? ! Now the Mr Shrimpton reason.
Qui When you want to say who / that / which or what IMMEDIATELY BEFORE a verb, use qui. My brother who is called John. Mon frère, qui s appelle John. M.Shrimpton, who lives in Diamond Harbour. M. Shrimpton, qui habite à D.H.
Que When you want to say who / that / which IMMEDIATELY BEFORE a subject pronoun, use que. The dog that I know… Le chien que je connais… The book which he is reading is boring. Le livre qu il lit est ennuyeux.
Agreement. In the perfect tense, the past participle has to agree with que. Les filles que jai vues au parc. La pizza, que jai mangée hier. Les garçons, que nous avons rencontrés lundi. Qui does not agree – unless the verb after it in the past tense is a TASMAN verb (as youd expect). Les filles, qui ont joué au parc, sont moches. Les filles, qui sont venues de la France sont jolies.
Here are some examples, using qui and que Le livre quelles lisent est ennuyeux. Le chien qui sappelle Fido. Les enfants qui ont faim. Les livres que jai finis. La banane que nous avons mangée. Le film que jai vu hier… La dame qui est venue de la France Ma soeur qui a visité une fois en NZ. Les moutons qui sont morts… Le café quil a acheté La bière qu il a bue. The book that they are reading is dull. The dog who is called Fido The children who are hungry The books that I have finished The banana that we ate The film that I saw yesterday The woman who came from France My sister who once visited NZ The sheep which died The coffee that he bought The beer that he drunk
Fill in the correct pronoun, qui or que. 1.Le film …. jai vu. 2.Les lègumes … il a achetés. 3.Ma mère … habite au Maroc 4.Les frites …. sont chères. 5.Le poisson …. il a pris. 6.La pomme … nous avons mangée. 7.LAllemagne … tu as visité 8.Mes parents … sont venus 9.Mes parents … jai rencontrés 10.Mon père … sappelle Bob. 1.Le film que jai vu. 2.Les lègumes qu il a achetés. 3.Ma mère qui habite au Maroc 4.Les frites qui sont chères. 5.Le poisson qu il a pris. 6.La pomme que nous avons mangée. 7.LAllemagne que tu as visitée 8.Mes parents qui sont venus 9.Mes parents que jai rencontrés 10.Mon père qui sappelle Bob. Well done !
So translate these phrases, using the qui and que where necessary. Ensure you check /agreement. 1.The car that I saw 2.My friend who is called Bob 3.The beans that we ate 4.The café that is on the corner. 5.The church that is opposite 6.My parents who drank wine 7.My parents who I met. 8.The route which I took 9.The cat that fell 10.The tortoise that I threw. 1.La voiture que jai vue. 2.Mon ami qui sappelle Bob. 3.Les haricots que nous avons mangés 4.Le café qui est au coin 5.Léglise qui est en face 6.Mes parents qui ont bu du vin. 7.Mes parents, que jai rencontrés. 8.La route que jai prise 9.Le chat qui est tombé 10.La tortue que jai lancée Well done !
Merci, ces choses qui mintèressent … ces choses que jai apprises !
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