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Publié parEveline Loiseau Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
To use this resource, make sure you view the slideshow, not just open the file. You can learn a slide off by heart, then test yourself on the next slide.
Tenses These are your must know words so that you can use tenses correctly in coursework or in oral work. Make sure you learn these off by heart. Remember what it takes to get a Grade C Past, Present, Future and Opinion!
PAST TENSE Le passé - composé. This resource will focus on the past tense. Meaning I Worked I did I watched
Past tense – avoir words Jai visité Jai mangé Jai regardé Jai été Jai voyagé Jai joué Jai parlé Jai travaillé J'ai vu Jai bu Jai fait I visited I ate I watched I was at I travelled I played I spoke I worked I saw I drank I did/ I made
Test yourself... See if you can get them right before you click ahead. I played I did/ made I ate I saw I was at I spoke I worked I travelled I watched I drank I visited Jai joué Jai fait Jai mangé Jai vu Jai été Jai parlé Jai travaillé Jai voyagé Jai regardé Jai bu Jai visité
Pronunciation Now test your pronunciation: Say the word then click on the icon to see if you said it correctly. Jai visité Jai mangé Jai regardé Jai été Jai voyagé Jai joué Jai parlé Jai travaillé J'ai vu Jai bu Jai fait
Remember OTHERS! Its not just you who can do an action in the past. Jai regardé Tu as regardé Il a regardé Elle a regardé On a regardé Nous avons regardé Vous avez regardé Ils ont regardé Elles ont regardé I watched You watched He watched She watched We watched You watched They watched (m) They watched (f)
Pronunciation Now test your pronunciation: Say the word then click on the icon to see if you said it correctly. Jai regardé Tu as regardé Il a regardé Elle a regardé On a regardé Nous avons regardé Vous avez regardé Ils ont regardé Elles ont regardé
See how many you can get right. Say them. I watched He played We drank She saw They (m) worked We spoke You (pl) were at You (s) travelled
See how many you can get right. Write them. Then click ahead. I watched He played We drank She saw They (m) worked We spoke You (pl) were at You (s) travelled Jai regardé Il a joué On a bu / nous avons bu Elle a vu Ils ont travaillé On a parlé/ nous avons parlé Vous avez été Tu as voyagé
You know how you did. Do you know this part of the past tense thoroughly? If not, you can always use this resource again and test yourself. Why not keep a record of how you did. Then next time, see if you can beat it!
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