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To be able to recognise some common letter strings. (7W6) To use these to work out the spelling link and sound patterns of unfamiliar / new words. (7W6)

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Présentation au sujet: "To be able to recognise some common letter strings. (7W6) To use these to work out the spelling link and sound patterns of unfamiliar / new words. (7W6)"— Transcription de la présentation:


2 To be able to recognise some common letter strings. (7W6) To use these to work out the spelling link and sound patterns of unfamiliar / new words. (7W6) (7L1)

3 Les animaux at ien in aux ent oi on is h chat chien lapin chevaux serpent oiseau poisson souris hamster

4 1.platchocolat 2.rienmécanicien 3.sapinmagasin 4.animauxjournaux 5.parentaccident 6.moivoiture 7.salonbonbon 8.colistapis 9.hamburgerhot-dog

5 1.platchocolat 2.rienmécanicien 3.sapinmagasin 4.animauxjournaux 5.parentaccident 6.moivoiture 7.salonbonbon 8.colistapis 9.hamburgerhot-dog

6 chatchocolat rienmécanicien sapinlapin animauxchevaux accidentserpent moivoiture bonbonpoisson tapissouris hamburgerhamster

7 platchatchocolat rienmécanicienchien sapinmagasinlapin animauxjournauxchevaux parentaccidentserpent moivoitureoiseau salonbonbonpoisson colistapissouris hamburgerhot-doghamster

8 Écoutez et complétez 1.pharmac_ _ _ 2.mout_ _ 3.arg_ _ _ 4.trav_ _ _ 5._ôtel 6.rad_ _ 7.avoc_ _ 8.t_ _ 9.moul _ _




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