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Présentation au sujet: "THIRD CONJUGATION. THE THIRD CONJUGATION VERBS INCLUDE: The verb ALLER- to go The verbs ending in –ir."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 THE THIRD CONJUGATION VERBS INCLUDE: The verb ALLER- to go The verbs ending in –ir

3 But whose present participle (gerund) ends in –ant and not in –issant.

4 Example: dormir-to sleep; servir-to serve; mentir- to lie, tell lies; partir-to leave, go away; sentir- to feel; sortir- to come out,to go out.

5 Tenir-to hold (and most of its compounds such as contenir- to contain; etc.)

6 Venir- to come (and most of its compounds such as convenir- to agree;etc.)

7 dormir –to sleep Je dors Nous dormons Tu dors Vous dormez Il dort Ils dorment Elle dort Elles dorment

8 Mentir-to tell lies

9 Je mens Nous mentons Tu mens Vous mentez Il ment Ils mentent Elle(s) ment(ent)

10 Tenir and Venir are similar in their conjugation in terms of their morphology(forms)

11 Their compounds have the same conjugation

12 Tenir –to hold Je tiens Nous tenons Tu tiens Vous tenez Il tient Ils tiennent

13 The conjugation for most of its compounds is the same: contenir- to contain; obtenir- to obtain; entretenir-to look after;

14 Maintenir –to maintain; appartenir-to belong; retenir- to hold back; soutenir-to support, etc.

15 Venir-to come Je viens Nous venons Tu viens Vous venez Il vient Ils viennent

16 The conjugation is the same for most of its compounds: convenir-to agree; devenir- to become; intervenir- to intervene;

17 Parvenir- to manage; se souvenir de-to remember

18 All verbs ending in–oir recevoir-to receive; apercevoir-to notice; concevoir- to conceive

19 Recevoir-to receive Je reçois Nous recevons Tu reçois Vous recevez Il reçoit Ils reçoivent

20 Voir –to see Je vois Nous voyons Tu vois Vous voyez Il voit Ils voient

21 Some impersonal verbs: falloir-must il faut+infinitive of vb;

22 Example: Il faut écouter le professeur.- You must listen to the teacher.

23 Pleuvoir-to rain il pleut- it rains or it is raining

24 All verbs ending in –re vendre-to sell; entendre-to hear

25 Vendre-to sell Je vends Nous vendons Tu vends Vous vendez Il vend Ils vendent

26 Prendre-to take Je prends Nous prenons Tu prends Vous prenez Il prend lls prennent Elle prend Elles prennent

27 The conjugation is the same for most of its compounds:apprendre-to learn; comprendre- to understand; entreprendre-to undertake; surprendre-to surprise.

28 Mettre –to put Je mets Nous mettons Tu mets Vous mettez Il met Ils mettent Elle met Elles mettent

29 The conjugation is the same for most of its compounds: admettre- to admit; commettre- to commit; compromettre-to compromise; émettre- to emit, to transmit;

30 Omettre- to omit; permettre- to permit; promettre- to promise; soumettre- to submit, to subject; transmettre- to transmit, to pass on; etc.

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