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Les verbes porter et mettre
Porter to wear je porte tu portes il porte elle porte on porte
Porté past participle nous portons vous portez ils portent elles portent
porter To wear clothing Qu’est-ce que tu portes? What are you wearing?
The following verbs are conjugated like porter: apporter to bring something comporter to behave
mettre je mets tu mets il met elle met on met Mis past participle
nous mettons vous mettez ils mettent elles mettent
mettre to put Mettre has the following meanings: to put on, wear Tu mets ta nouvelle veste. to turn on Mets la radio, s’il te plaît. to set Qui va mettre la table? The following verbs are conjugated like mettre: permettre to let, allow, permit promettre to promise
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