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Publié parEmmet Guillemin Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Le livre de français – pg 107 David: Jen ai marre! Jai une heure de chimie le lundi, deux heures de physique le mardi et deux heures de biologie le samedi. Ça fait deux cent quarante minutes de sciences par semaine! David: Jen ai marre! Jai une heure de chimie le lundi, deux heures de physique le mardi et deux heures de biologie le samedi. Ça fait deux cent quarante minutes de sciences par semaine! Beatrice: Tu naimes pas les sciences? Beatrice: Tu naimes pas les sciences? David: Si, jaime la biologie, mais je naime pas la chimie. David: Si, jaime la biologie, mais je naime pas la chimie. Beatrice: Tiens, tu as juste un cours le mercredi? Beatrice: Tiens, tu as juste un cours le mercredi? David: Oui, géographie, de 9h00 à 10h00. David: Oui, géographie, de 9h00 à 10h00. Beatrice: Tu finis à 10h00 le mercredi? Moi aussi. Beatrice: Tu finis à 10h00 le mercredi? Moi aussi.
Enquête culturelle Page 107-108 Volunteers to read? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?
Ex. 2 – Page 108 Say what day of the week follows the one you see: Say what day of the week follows the one you see: 1.dimanche 2.vendredi 3.mercredi 4.lundi 5.jeudi 6.samedi
Ex. 3 – Page 109 Marie-Ève is a 15- year-old girl who lives in France. Look at her emploi du temps (schedule) and then write the appropriate day (or days) of the week that matches each description. Marie-Ève is a 15- year-old girl who lives in France. Look at her emploi du temps (schedule) and then write the appropriate day (or days) of the week that matches each description. 1. Elle a juste quatre cours. 2. Elle a sport. 3. Elle na pas cours. 4. Elle a allemand. 5. Elle a histoire. 6. Elle na pas maths. 7. Elle a géographie. 8. Elle a anglais. 9. Elle a deux heures de français et deux heures de latin.
Cest à toi! – Page 109 1. Tu préfères quel jour de la semaine? 2. Tu as combien dheures de sciences par semaine? 3. Tu aimes un peu ou beaucoup les sciences? 4. Tu as combien de minutes de français par jour? 5. Tu as combien cours le mercredi?
VERBS ENDING IN -ir Most verbs that end in -ir are regular because their forms follow a predictable pattern. To form the present tense of a regular - ir verb, first find the stem of the verb by removing the -ir ending from its infinitive. Example: finir = to finish Je finis Tu finis Il/elle/on finit Nous finissons Vous finissez Ils/elles finissent
ADD -ir endings to your foldable! Behind ____, put ____ Je........... –is Tu……… –is Vous ….. –issez Il/elle/on… –it Nous........... –issons Vous ………–issez Ils/elles…… –issent
Communication – pg 111 Draw a grid like the one in the book. Pick 5 common subjects (from the vocabulary) that we have had. Draw a grid like the one in the book. Pick 5 common subjects (from the vocabulary) that we have had. –Prepare what you are going to ask your classmates (IN FRENCH). Poll 10 of your classmates to determine how much they like each subject that you put in your grid. ALL speaking must be done IN FRENCH. (10 MINUTES) Poll 10 of your classmates to determine how much they like each subject that you put in your grid. ALL speaking must be done IN FRENCH. (10 MINUTES)
When you are done polling… Count how many people like each subject a lot (beaucoup), a little (un peu) or not at all (ne…pas). Count how many people like each subject a lot (beaucoup), a little (un peu) or not at all (ne…pas). Prepare a sentence that follows the example in the textbook. Write this sentence on the other paper you have been doing your exercises on today. Prepare a sentence that follows the example in the textbook. Write this sentence on the other paper you have been doing your exercises on today. TURN IT IN!!!!!!! TURN IT IN!!!!!!!
HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: 1. Workbook pages 55-60 Do NOT do: #8 or #9 or #11B Do NOT do: #8 or #9 or #11B 2. Get FRENCH progress reports signed and returned. IMPORTANT DATES: 1. Lecon B/C Quiz will be on Tues/Wednesday (9th & 10th) 2. UNITE 4 TEST will be on Thurs/Friday (11th & 12th)
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