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Publié parRosine Mille Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Have you always wondered how to tell people what to do in French? Do you have a bossy streak? Would you like to know how to give instructions in French? Ever wanted to order others about in French?
You need …. THE IMPERATIVE!!!
The imperative is used to give orders and instructions. Its very simple. Basically you use the tu form, the nous form or the vous form of the verb but drop the subject pronoun. Tu cours = you run Cours! = Run! Nous cherchons le ballon = we are looking for the ball. Cherchons le ballon! = Lets look for the ball! Vous regardez la tele = you are watching TV Regardez la tele! = Watch TV!
When using –ER verbs always drop the S from the tu form: Eg.Tu manges = you eat Mange! = Eat! tu parles = you are speaking Parle! = Speak!
There are three irregulars only in the IMPERATIVE 1.êtresois / soyons / soyez 2.avoiraie / ayons / ayez 3.savoirsache / sachons / sachez You need to recognise these irregulars. Sois prudent! Soyons intelligents! Soyez gentils! Naie pas peur! Ayons du courage! Ayez de la patience! Sache le poème par cœur! Sachons les reponses. Sachez quoi faire!
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