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Publié parGauvain Philippe Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
29/04/20031 Normalisation et réglementation : les 2 piliers de la QoS Les utilisateurs y trouvent-ils leur compte ? P-Y Hébert Afutt
29/04/20032 Cadre réglementaire des Télécomms n Directive 2002/21/EC - 7 Mars 2002 –(Framework Directive) n Directive 2002/20/EC - 7 Mars 2002 –(Authorisation Directive) n Directive 2002/19/EC - 7 Mars 2002 –(Access Directive) n Directive 2002/22/EC - 7 Mars 2002 –(Universal Service Directive) n Directive 2002/58/EC - 31 Juillet 2002 –(Directive on privacy and electronic communications)
29/04/20033 Cadre réglementaire et Standards (1) n Directive 2002/21/EC - 7 Mars 2002 common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive) –List of standards and/or specifications for electronic communications networks, services and associated facilities and services - 5/7/2002 –Partie A – Standards obligatoires »CH. I : LS (cf. Annexe II of the Directive 92/44/EEC as amended by Directive 97/51/EC and in future by Directive 2002/22/EC) »CH. II : Paramètres de QoS (cf. Annexe III of the Directive 98/10/EEC 4 as amended by Commission Decision 2001/22/EC 5, and in future by Directive 2002/22/EC (Universal Service Directive)
29/04/20034 Cadre réglementaire et Standards (2) n Directive 2002/21/EC - 7 Mars 2002 Partie B - Standards volontaires »CH. III : LS (Annexe III of the Directive 92/44/EEC as amended by Directive 97/51/EC and in future by Directive 2002/22/EC) »CH. IV : Accès, interconnexion, portabilité n°, sélection opérateur »CH. V: Dégroupage »CH.VI : Standards for implementing various user services. »CH. VII : Standards for implementing data protection requirements. »CH. VIII : DVB
29/04/20035 Standards réglementaires et QoS n Standards QoS de la Directive 2002/21/EC Partie A – Standards obligatoires –CH. II : Paramètres de QoS Paramètres de QoS; définitions et méthodes de mesures : »ETSI EG 201 769
29/04/20036 Normes QoS dans les TC de l'ETSI
29/04/20037 Qualité de Service selon IUT n Collective effect of service performance which determines the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service (ITU-T Recommendations E.800, I.350) n STQ : 1TR-3EG (dont EG 201 769) n SPAN/NA : 1TR-1ETR- 1ETS n SMG/3GPP : 1ETR-2TS-2TR-1EN n USER GROUP : 1EG
29/04/20038 Qualité de Service selon ETSI (1) n Quality specification of a telecommunications channel, system, virtual channel, computer- telecommunications session, etc. Quality of service may be measured, for example, in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rate, message throughput rate or call blocking probability n 3GPP : 1TS n TIPHON : 1TS-1TR n SEC : 1EG-1TR n TETRA : 1EG-1TS n NA : 1ETR
29/04/20039 Qualité de Service selon ETSI (2) n Quality of Service may be applicable for the GPRS backbone if the path media supports it. Separate paths with different priorities may be defined between a GSN pair. However, the possible use of QoS in the GGSN is outside the scope of the GTP specification n 3GPP : 1EN-2TS
29/04/200310 Qualité de Service selon ETSI (3) n a combination of traffic performance, availability, service integrity, service support and service operability n ERM : 1ETS
29/04/200311 Qualité de Service selon ETSI (4) n QoS requirements by the user/customer is the statement of the level of quality of a particular service required or preferred by the user/customer. The level of quality may be expressed by the user/customer in technical or non-technical language. A typical user/customer is not concerned with how a particular service is provided, or with any of the aspects of the network's internal design, but only with the resulting end-to-end service quality. From the user's/customer's point of view, QoS is expressed by parameters that: –focus on user/customer-perceivable effects, rather than their causes within the network; –do not depend in their definition on assumptions about the internal design of the network; –take into account all aspects of the service from the user's/customer's point of view; –may be assured to a user/customer by the service provider(s); –are described in network independent terms and create a common language understandable by both the user/customer and the service provider. n NA/SPAN : ETR 003 (1994) - ETR 044
29/04/200312 Voice Quality of Service (STQ) n Measure of the end to end quality of speech transmission of a connection. Strictly speaking it should be a statistical value representing the aggregate performance of a number of connections, but within the present document it is often used in relation to the performance of a single connection. The voice quality literally applies to an end to end connection including the terminals i.e. from mouth to ear, but since the terminals are often no longer the responsibility of the network operators, the term VQoS is often used to refer to the performance of a connection from NTP to NTP
29/04/200313 Best effort QoS & Quality of Service Classes n The best effort QoS refers to the lowest of all QoS traffic classes. If the guaranteed QoS cannot be delivered, the bearer network delivers the QoS which can also be called best effort QoS. n MESA : 1TR n 3GPP : 1TS
29/04/200314 Et la QoS vue par les utilisateurs ? n Parmi toutes les normes citées seules –ETR 003 de NA/SPAN –EG 202 009-1,2 & 3 du User Group prennent en compte autre chose que la seule qualité technique : –QoS attendue par l'utilisateur –QoS offerte par le fournisseur de service –QoS réalisée par le fournisseur de service –QoS perçue par l'utilisateur –Performance des réseaux –Performance du service
29/04/200315 LE GUIDE ETSI EG 202 009 n Partie 1: Méthodologie d'identification des critères pertinents pour les utilisateurs n Partie 2: Exemples de critères pertinents pour chaque service n Partie 3: Modèle de contrat de service
29/04/200316 LE GUIDE ETSI EG 202 009 Partie1 Identification des critères de QoS n L'enveloppe du service n La méthodologie d'analyse des besoins n Les mesures –Objectives »Intrusives »Non intrusives –Subjectives –Qui les fait ?
29/04/200317 LE GUIDE ETSI EG 202 009 Partie 2 Exemples de critères pertinents par service n Communications Vocales (fixes & mobiles) n Accès à Internet –Établissement de la connexion –Connectivité montante –Connectivité descendante n Communications client-serveur n Disponibilité n Support client sur incident n Autres aspects du service mise à disposition, facturation, annuaires, etc
29/04/200318 LE GUIDE ETSI EG 202 009 Partie 3 Modèle de contrat de service n Les services couverts n Les engagements de QoS n Le support client n Les rapports de QoS n La facturation n Les procédures de révision du contrat
29/04/200319 Les projets à court terme n STQ –User related QoS for mobile –QoS parameter definitions and measurements for Internet Access n QOSTIC –Approfondissement des critères de QoS sur : »Voix »Accès Internet »Réseaux privés n USER GROUP –Révision du guide ETSI EG 202 009
29/04/200320 Les projets à long terme Faire introduire dans les directives européennes des critères de QoS pertinents pour les utilisateurs
29/04/200321 A F U T T Association Française des Utilisateurs de Télécommunications Visitez notre site : www.afutt.org MERCI DE VOTRE ATTENTION
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