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Publié parJohanne Bouchet Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
1 Roadmap to Achieve 31.12.2011 RBM Targets: COMORES January 2011 – December 2011 [Planning Template]
2 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Population at Risk: 681 191 hab (2011) Interventi on Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) LLINs (Universal Access) Soutenir la couverture universelle de 2010 Mass Campaign: 32 000 MILD Mass Campaign: 0 Mass Campaign: 32 000 MILD (253 500 $) Mass Campaign: 32 000 (253 500 $) 253 500 $ (Achat, transport, frais de gestion et campagne de distribution) Couvrir 80 % des femmes enceintes qui viennent en CPN1 Routine distribution: 35 000 MILD Routine distribution: 0 Routine distribution: 35 000 MILD (229 563 $) Routine distribution: 35 000 MILD (229 563 $) 229 563 $ (Achat, frais de gestion) Total67 000 MILD0 (483 063 $) 67 000 MILD (483 063 $) 483 063 $
3 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Interventi on Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) ACTsCouvrir 80% des cas de paludisme 170 466 doses (107 180 $) 0 dose0
4 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IRSCouvrir 100% les habitations ciblées pour être protégées par PID en 2011 DDT : 9 726 sachets de 667g ICON: 4 088 sachets de 62,7g 0DDT : 9 726 sachets de 667g ICON: 4 088 sachets de 62,7g. Ressources humaines: 48 00 RDTs and microscopyAssurer la confirmation biologique de cas suspects de paludisme attendu au niveau des structures sanitaires: 139 0000 (36461$) 00 Microscopies: 69 600 GE 20% GEMicroscopies: 69 69 600GE 00
5 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2010 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IPTpCouvrir 80% de femmes enceintes qui viennent en consultation prénatale 27 000 doses 27 0000 0
6 Country Summary (Cross cutting issues) InterventionOperational targets/Objectives for 2011 Strategies/ActionsResource requirement (USD) Available budget (USD) Budget Gap (USD) M&E Renforcer le système de suivi et évaluation Formations40 000 26000 14 000 $ Ressources humaines 9 700 0 9 700 $ Mise en place dune base de gestion des données et production des outils de collecte 446756 80037875 Réunions de coordination 30 00015 47014 530 BCC/IEC Plan stratégique19240 0 Campagnes de sensibilisation Human Resources (Cap Bldg)
7 Implementation Plan - LLINs Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Distribution de MILD aux populations aux femmes enceintes en CPN1XXXXXXXXXXXX Campagne de distribution des MILD à Mohélixx Sensibilisation sur lutilisation des MILDXXXXXXXXXXXX
8 LLIN resources available( including timing of disbursements ) to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD) Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND 229 563 $A rechercher xxxXx Xxxxxxx 253 500 $A rechercher X X 124 307 $A rechercher XXXXXXXXXXXX
9 Implementation Plan - IRS Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Organiser la PID à MohéliXXXX
10 IRS resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND 65 702 $FM xxxx
11 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Achat des ACTs et matériel de diagnostiquex Formation sur le contrôle qualitéx Formation sur la<prise en chargex Supervision des laboxx
12 Case Management resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND 244 688 (ACTs) FM x 266 496 (RDTs)FM xx 17 646 (Formations)FM xx
13 Implementation Plan – IPTp Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Recyclage des sage-femmesx Supervisionx
14 IPTp resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND 6 579 (IPTp doses)UNICEF xxxxxxxxxxxx 5 302 (Recyclage et supervisions) FM x
15 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND IEC/CCCXXXXXXXXXXXX Suivi et évaluationXXXXXXXXXXXX
16 Cross-cutting resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND 47 192 (IEC/CCC) FM XXXXXXXXXXXX 187 678 (Suivi et évaluation) FM XXXXXXXXXXXX
17 Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2011 Area of Need Type of support required Resources available Source of funding TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND LLINs IRSFormation des agents24 050FMx ACT Cross cutting MIS24 000FMx MPR (revue) 20 000 A rechercher x Program Managem ent / Partnershi ps Formation en gestion des projets 35 000 A rechercher x GF Grant Implement ation Elaboration du R1140 000A rechercher xxx
18 Summary of rate-limiting factors/solutions over the next 12 months - threats Potential threats to achieving targets Insuffisance de ressources financières Insuffisance de ressources humaines Nombre limité de partenaires au niveau du pays
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