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Publié parJacques Pillet Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Marcel Ricard Service de Physique Institut Gustave Roussy, VIllejuif
Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Physique subatomique & Interfaces physique, biologie, médecine Marcel Ricard Service de Physique Institut Gustave Roussy, VIllejuif
Prise en charge des pathologies cancéreuses
Introduction Prise en charge des pathologies cancéreuses Chirurgie Chimiothérapie Radiothérapie
Radiothérapie Interne Externe Rayonnement bêta Particules alpha ...
Faisceaux d'électrons Faisceaux de photons Faisceaux de protons Rayonnement synchrotron ...
Radiothérapie Détermination de la relation Dose / Effet
Radiobiologie / Analyse Instrumentation Étude Faisceaux Dosimétrie Today the field covers by the peroperative detection comes from the use of iodine 125 in the case of neuroblastoma to iodine 131 in thyroid cancer. Thus the probe must be able to detect X and gamma rays covering a wide energy range. To detect these radio nuclides many solutions have been investigated by some teams around the world, as has said Mr Perkins in his talk. Regarding the technical development of detectors the first solutions were focused on the mono pixel probes. It is the reason why the first part of my talk will be dedicate to this solution. In the second part I will move to the imaging probes which are able to give a spatial distribution of the radio pharmaceutics inside the field of view.
Radiobiologie / Analyse
Rayonnement Today the field covers by the peroperative detection comes from the use of iodine 125 in the case of neuroblastoma to iodine 131 in thyroid cancer. Thus the probe must be able to detect X and gamma rays covering a wide energy range. To detect these radio nuclides many solutions have been investigated by some teams around the world, as has said Mr Perkins in his talk. Regarding the technical development of detectors the first solutions were focused on the mono pixel probes. It is the reason why the first part of my talk will be dedicate to this solution. In the second part I will move to the imaging probes which are able to give a spatial distribution of the radio pharmaceutics inside the field of view. Mort cellulaire Étude de la survie #1 Thomas #3 Geoffroy #2 Sébastien #4 Noureddine
Radiothérapie externe
Instrumentation Étude Faisceaux Dosimétrie Monte Carlo : #5 Benjamin #13 Lydia Instrumentation / étude faisceau : #6 Anne-Marie #7 Aurélie Today the field covers by the peroperative detection comes from the use of iodine 125 in the case of neuroblastoma to iodine 131 in thyroid cancer. Thus the probe must be able to detect X and gamma rays covering a wide energy range. To detect these radio nuclides many solutions have been investigated by some teams around the world, as has said Mr Perkins in his talk. Regarding the technical development of detectors the first solutions were focused on the mono pixel probes. It is the reason why the first part of my talk will be dedicate to this solution. In the second part I will move to the imaging probes which are able to give a spatial distribution of the radio pharmaceutics inside the field of view. Dosimétrie : #8 Ingrid
Rayonnement Synchrotron Protonthérapie - ions lourds
Mise en œuvre de techniques d'irradiation potentiellement plus "précises" qui nécessitent une instrumentation et un savoir faire particulier. Rayonnement Synchrotron : Excitation in situ #9 Caroline Protonthérapie - ions lourds : pouvoir d'ionisation #10 Guillaume #11 Ludovic #12 Jérôme Today the field covers by the peroperative detection comes from the use of iodine 125 in the case of neuroblastoma to iodine 131 in thyroid cancer. Thus the probe must be able to detect X and gamma rays covering a wide energy range. To detect these radio nuclides many solutions have been investigated by some teams around the world, as has said Mr Perkins in his talk. Regarding the technical development of detectors the first solutions were focused on the mono pixel probes. It is the reason why the first part of my talk will be dedicate to this solution. In the second part I will move to the imaging probes which are able to give a spatial distribution of the radio pharmaceutics inside the field of view.
Radiothérapie métabolique
Modélisation instrumentation #14 Damien Modélisation Voxel #15 Sophie Modélisation cellulaire #16 Jérémy Dosimétrie interne : déterminer la dose déposée dans les tissus par des radionucléides déposés dans l’organisme Today the field covers by the peroperative detection comes from the use of iodine 125 in the case of neuroblastoma to iodine 131 in thyroid cancer. Thus the probe must be able to detect X and gamma rays covering a wide energy range. To detect these radio nuclides many solutions have been investigated by some teams around the world, as has said Mr Perkins in his talk. Regarding the technical development of detectors the first solutions were focused on the mono pixel probes. It is the reason why the first part of my talk will be dedicate to this solution. In the second part I will move to the imaging probes which are able to give a spatial distribution of the radio pharmaceutics inside the field of view. Question d'échelle ?
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