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Mesure de caractéristiques électromagnétiques
de matériaux granulaires avec EspiMu Pierre SABOUROUX, Jean Michel GEFFRIN et Jean Pierre SPINELLI Institut Fresnel UMR CNRS 6133 MARSEILLE Good afternoon everybody. I will make a presentation about a new kit for performing measurements of the electromagnetic characteristics of materials. The name of this new kit is EpsiMu. This kit was conceived in the Fresnel Institute in Marseille. 3juin h00 GDR Ondes – Bordeaux Novembre 2007 e
EpsiMu ? Pourquoi , comment ?
Qui ? Outils Industriels Laboratoires… EpsiMu Comment ? Reflection / transmission + De-embbeding Pourquoi ? Simplicité d’utilisation, mesures temps réel, … Cellule coaxiale échantillon EpsiMu : Cellule + CI + Logiciel Principales applications : Diélectriques classiques (simples ou chargés) Diélectriques faiblement magnétiques (ex : SF10) Autres matériaux (plâtre, bois, …) [Ssample] er mr To make these measurements, we have only three solutions : first : solutions of Agilent Technologies who provide two solutions : the Dielectric Probe Kit or Materials Measurement Software. The Dielectric probe kit only allows the determination of the permittivitty. The calibration of the cell is not particulary easy and good knowlegde is necessary to correctly use this tool. The second Agilent solution is a Software designed for use with the full range of measurement techiques including guided propagation and free space. But the hardware implementation is left to the experimenter who requires extensive user input. Another solution is research laboratories. Indeed, if you have any measurements, you can ask to laboratories to make these measurements for you. But very quickly, this will become expensive. Now, there exist a third solution : EpsiMu. The only restriction for the use of EpsiMu is to have a Vectorial Network Analyser at your disposition. EpsiMu is very easy to use. . Ligne à air Hewlett Packard échantillons Cellule EpsiMu Cellule EpsiMu dégroupée
EpsiMu pour des matériaux granulaires
Sable de la Dune du Pilat Volume utile de 0.06 cm3 à 8 cm3 Prototype de la cellule 30 mm Cellule classique EpsiMu 7 mm Échantillons de PVC pour une validation Applications : matériaux granulaires secs ou humides Évolutions : conditions particulières matériaux liquides We fixe some specifications for the new kit EpsiMu. For a complete determination of the real and imarinary parts of the permittivity and permeability, Reflection and Transmission measurements are required. To perform measurements over a wide frequency range, a coaxial guide technic is indicated. To realise an easy to use technic in real time, a new methode is required. Finaly the coaxial waveguide solution is the cheapest technic on the market. Mesures Temps Réel Mesures dynamiques …
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