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Publié parGérald Pastor Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Anomalies cognitives Contexte Point de référence Disponibilité Superstition Processus Projection
Contexte Ancrage Contexte Cadrage Prééminence Importance
Accessibilité Disponibilité Certitude Focalisation Isolation Primauté Régression Représentativité Ségrégation
Superstition Crédulité Disjonction Superstition Suspicion
Processus A base de règles ? Processus Temporalité
Projection Mauvaise représentation Projection
Tversky & Kahneman Dmrs have trouble handling information and forming perceptions consistently, use decision making heuristics that can fail maximize preferences, sensitive to context and process to satisfy rationality subjective judgments generally do not obey the basic normative principles of decision theory the axioms of rational choice are often violated consistently by sophisticated as well as naïve respondents, violations are often large and highly persistent
The decision process Information Perception / beliefs processChoice Preferences Motives Affect Attitudes Perception rationality ? Preference rationality ? Process rationality ?
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