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Publié parCaroline Marin Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
CROSSMARC The Cross-lingual Multi Agent Retail Comparison Edinburgh, March 2001
2 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel ICN is an Application Service Company developing services and solutions BtoB for the IT industry. PartnerSite is the first paltform to offer an e*commerce end-to-end solution for the resellers in Europe. ICN entered since 1999 in a partnership with Compaq Computer in Europe ICN platform has been adopted in France and Belgium by 500 resellers Introduction
3 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel ICN platform for The IT Industry Database content Référence, Description, public Prc,Disponibilité. Base centrale ICN Mise à jour quotidienne Agrégation des bases grossistes Infos marketing Infos commerciales Détails techniques Images produits Fiches PDF Distributors databases Références /distributors Mise à jour quotidienne Equipe ICN (FR) Outil de génération de site pour les revendeurs Création de Back Office sur mesure Création et génération de devis en temps réel Site revendeur Fabricants Grossistes Partenaires Revendeurs Portails éditoriaux Grands comptes Grande distribution Ingram Micro C2000/Techdata SDB
4 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel Challenges Existing comparison tools : Hotwin Agregation of products from multiple web sites Regular update Evolution of products
5 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel Challenges Existing comparison tools : Resellers web site Agregation of information products from multiple manufacturers Agregation of pricing products from multiple distributors Daily update
6 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel Challenges Existing comparison tools : Resellers web site Complex and structured informations Evolution of products Specific conception for IT industry
7 ICN - Document strictement confidentiel Challenges Needs and expectations Simple powerful tool for Data collection independant of the industry Usable for multiple languages XML technology for data exchange Portable application that can be use by any web site Prototype can be built with XML/XSL technology
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