Some strange verbs. There are a few verbs you have seen in your vocab lists such as mettre/ dormir/ sortir How do you use these verbs?

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1 Some strange verbs

2 There are a few verbs you have seen in your vocab lists such as mettre/ dormir/ sortir How do you use these verbs?

3 Here goes Mettre (Ch.7) is the verb “to put.” It does not work like other -re verbs It goes like this: Je mets Nous mettons Tu mets Vous mettez Il met Ils mettent

4 The second verb to know is sortir “to go out” Je sors Nous sortons Tu sors Vous sortez Il sort Ils sortent

5 Dormir: to sleep Je dors Nous dormons Tu dors Vous dormez Il dort Ils dorment

6 Servir: to serve Je sers Nous servons Tu sers Vous servez Il sert Ils servent

7 You’ll notice that these four verbs are VERY similar That’s why they’re together.

8 Let’s try a few Write out in your notes: I sleep You serve He goes out We put

9 Answers Je dors Tu sers Il sort Nous mettons

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