The Passé Composé Tense Look at the following 3 sentences. Ali played football yesterday They have visited Paris 3 times We did not tidy the bedroom.

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2 The Passé Composé Tense

3 Look at the following 3 sentences. Ali played football yesterday They have visited Paris 3 times We did not tidy the bedroom What do they have in common? Is this done in the same way in each sentence? All 3 of these English tenses can be translated by just 1 tense in French. It is called…

4 Each of the following sentences contains an example of the Passé Composé tense. Ali a joué au foot hier Ils ont visité Paris 3 fois Nous avons rangé la chambre What is the first thing you notice about this tense? Look at the purple highlighted words in each sentence. Familiar?

5 J’aiNous avons Tu asVous avez Il,elle,on aIls,elles ont The Present tense of Avoir

6 Now take a look at the yellow words in each sentence. These are called Past Participle- participe pass é To form the past participle, take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) and do the following: For –ER verbs, drop the –r and accent the -é For –IR verbs, drop the –r For –RE verbs, drop the –re and paste on a -u Ali a joué au foot hier Ils ont visité Paris 3 fois Nous avons rangé la chambre

7 Change the infinitive/infinitif to the past participle/participe passé travaillertravaillé regarderregardé finir fini choisir choisi répondrerépondu entendre entendu

8 Ex. Il a regardé Nousavons fini J’ai répondu Present tense avoir Past participle So remember… The Passé Composé is made up of 2 parts. The first is the present tense of AVOIR (or ETRE The second is the past participle of the verb you want

9 Now that you know the present tense of Avoir and how to form the Past Participle, test yourself with the following sentences ont ai a avez as avons travaillu travaillé travailli J’ (travailler) aitravaillé

10 ont ai a avez as avons regardu regardi regardé Il (regarder) a regardé

11 ont ai a avez as avons finu fini finé Nous (finir)avonsfini

12 ont ai a avez as avons jouu joui joué Ils (jouer)ont joué

13 ont ai a avez as avons répondu répondi répondé Maman (répondre)arépondu

14 ont ai a avez as avons choisu choisi choisé Vous (choisir) avezchoisi

15 ont ai a avez as avons chantu chanti chanté Christina et moi (chanter)avonschanté

16 ont ai a avez as avons écoutu écouti écouté Reto et Marc (écouter)ont écouté

17 ont ai a avez as avons parlu parli parlé Tu (parler)as parlé

18 ont ai a avez as avons entendu entendi entendé Elle (entendre)a entendu


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