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Publié parNadine Sergerie Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Actifs et Processus Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Les actifs Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Une qualité ou un savoir faire Un avantage ou une ressource Une personne ou un bien qui constitue la valeur de l’entreprise. Tangibles ou intangibles, ils représentent La richesse de l’entreprise Une valeur qui est monnayable.
Exemple de facteurs pouvant être critiques - Image et confiance du marché - Capacité de réalisation et de transformation - Ressources physiques et moyens de production - Compétences humaines - Fidélité des clients Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Les actifs
Identification des Processus Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Évaluation de la vulnérabilité Identification des dangers Dispositions de prévention Identification des actifs Vérification Évaluation des risques Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Évaluation des risques
Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL 7.6 Comptabilité M1M2M3 Input Output 7.5 Navigation P1P2P3 Input Output 7.4 Achats A1A2A3 Input Output 7.3 Personnel D1D2D3 Input Output 7.2 Commercial C1C2C3 Input Output Le risque Zéro n’existe pas
Sécurité : Entrée du navire dans un port Identification des processus Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
0- Amener le navire à bon port 6- Berth vessel 2- Complete pre-entry planning and decision making 4- Complete rendezvous with tugs 5- Navigate to berth 1- Vessel scheduling 3- Pilot rendezvous with vessel Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus
1- VESSEL SCHEDULING 1.2- Establish necessary resources ( tugs, pilots, berths ) 1.4- Schedule vessel entry 1.1- Establish planned vessel movements 1.3- Determine unplanned vessel movements Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus Entrée du navire dans le port
2- COMPLETE PRE-ENTRY Planning and decision making 2.2- Pilot decides whether to bring in vessel 2.4- Confirm berthing arrangement 2.5- Confirm details with the vessel 2.1- Port control 2.3- Confirm tug requirements and availability Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus
3- PILOT RENDEZVOUS with the vessel 3.2- Boarding 3.4- Liaison with port control 3.1- Perform pre boarding activities 3.3- Complete pilot/master briefing Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus Entrée du navire dans le port
UK P&I Club Défaillance communication
UK P&I Club Le cout de l’incident La défaillance dans la communication à la passerelle a été le facteur déterminant dans l’incident. La pression commerciale et la défaillance dans la communication à pour conséquences $ 500 000 de dommages à l’environnement corallien.
4- COMPLETE rendezvous with tugs 4.2- Make contact with tug at rendezvous point 4.1- Navigate vessel to rendezvous point 4.3- Make vessel fast to tugs Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus Entrée du navire dans le port
6- BERTH VESSEL 6.1- Position vessel at berth 6.2- Make ship to shore connections 5.1- Communicate with port control 5.2- Navigate port entry 5- NAVIGATE TO BERTH Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Identification du processus Entrée du navire dans le port
Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Berth request Tankers Form C Input the vessel details Senior berthing master Inform the senior berthing master Owner/Agent VITS file Vessels expected Advise on required Port Services Senior berthing master Confirm arrival of the ship Ship master Update arrival of the ship VTS Operator Copy to :- Berthman - Boatman 2 to 3 hours before arrival Use outside pilot Ship master Yes Contact Services Pilots / Tugs VTS Operator Confirm pre entry information Ship master Berth request form general Berth confirmation Tankers Form D Need for pilot Ship over 130 m Proceed to anchorage or berth Ship master Yes No Use inside pilot Ship master Préparation à l’accostage Eléments clefs ou points critiques
Chargement du fuel en soutes
Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chargement du fuel en soutes Pre-transfer Bunker Check-list Measure actual bunker tanks level Seaman Determine available space Chief Engineer Define quantity of bunker oil to be transshipped Master/Chief Engineer Yes No Designate who will supervise the operation Chief Engineer Define pumping rates and pressures operation Chief Engineer Communicate the information to Bunker barge Designated Officer Agreement ? Designate who will communicate with the Bunker barge Chief Engineer Complete and sign the check list Master/Chief Engineer Complete and sign the check list Bunker barge Start bunkering operation Designated seaman Bunker barge Communicate with the designated Officer Bunker barge Send signed check list to Designated Officer Bunker barge Pre-transfer Bunker Check-list Do not start bunkering operation until a signed agreement Do not forgot the frequency of the content check during the bunkering operation Eléments clefs ou points critiques
Autres exemples : - Code ISPS - Sécurité alimentaire Processes Identification Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL ISPS : Contrôle d’ entrée des camions Contrôle ticket Vérification ticket/passeport Contrôle des mouvements Accès au navire Compagnie Maritime CCI Douane CCI si 1 positif Et/ou 1- Scanner pour explosif 2- Brigade canine
Sécurité alimentaire Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Emulsion Sel Phase liquide Bouillon Pâté Amidon Épices eau Etiquette Phase Solide Peau Viande OignionsGras Boite/couvercle Graisse végétale
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