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Publié parPaul Lecompte Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
OBJECTIFS: To know how to form the proper future tense (“will” not “going to”). To practise listening and speaking skills.
Le futur: Read the phrases in the future tense. Discuss the meaning and any patterns you notice. L’année prochaine je visiterai Paris avec ma famille. Je voyagerai en Eurostar et je resterai dans un hôtel de luxe au centre-ville. Pendant la journée je verrai les monuments historiques tels que la Tour Eiffel et je visiterai les musées comme le Louvre. L’après-midi je ferai du shopping – j’acheterai des vêtements et des bijoux. Le soir, j’irai au restaurant, où je mangerai de la bonne cuisine française.
Future tense To say someone is “going to” do something, use aller + the infinitive. eg: Je vais jouer. On va jouer. To say someone “will” do something, use the infinitive + the ending ai (for “je”) and a (for “il”, “elle” or “on). eg: je jouerai on jouera Common mistake – “will” There is no word for “will” in the future tense in French. Please don’t write “je testament aller”!
I will work I will play I will travel I will visit I will eat I will watch I will buy Le futur avec je Boost your grade – learn the irregular stems. être = ser-avoir = aur- faire = fer-aller = ir- I will go I will have I will do I will be je travaillerai je jouerai je voyagerai je visiterai je mangerai je regarderai j’achèterai j’irai j’aurai je ferai je serai..\..\Name generators\Random Name Generator - 9P1.ppt
Le futur avec on On mangera On regardera On jouera On écoutera On fera On ira 1)What is the pattern? 2) Using this thought process how do you think you make this other future tense? 3) Can you give 3 more examples of the future tense using on? 1)They all end in a. 2)You need to add the correct ending on to the infinitive, in this case a. 3)On visitera, on achetera, on retournera, on habitera etc
“Demain on…” boira écoutera lira jouera regarderaira joueraira jouera ira fera mangera
j’irai I will go je ferai I will do je parlerai I will speak j’habiterai I will live j’aurai I will have je serai I will be ce sera it will be je visiterai I will visit j’étudierai I will study j’achèterai I will buy
3 minutes de révision j'achèterai I will buy j'irai I will go j'aurai I will have je seraiI will be je ferai I will do je finirai I will finish j'habiterai I will live je rencontrerai I will meet je travaillerai I will work je voyagerai I will travel End
Test j’habiterai j’achèterai je rencontrerai je voyagerai je finirai je travaillerai je ferai je serai j’irai j’aurai 1)I will live 2)I will buy 3)I will meet 4)I will travel 5)I will finish 6)I will work 7)I will do 8)I will be 9)I will go 10)I will have
Regular verbs – match the endings to the pronoun je manger__ tu manger__ il manger__ elle manger__ on manger__ nous manger___ vous manger___ ils manger___ ai as a a a ons ez ont
MWBs I will eat
MWBs you will watch
MWBs I will play
MWBs he will listen
MWBs we [on] will visit
MWBs they [ils] will play
MWBs I will travel
MWBs we [nous] will dance
MWBs she will buy
MWBs I will work
Irregular future stems: faire (to do) aller (to go) avoir (to have) être (to be) voir (to see) vouloir (to want) fer ir aur ser verr voudr on fera (we will do) on ira (we will go) on aura (we will have) on sera (we will be) on verra (we will see) on voudra (we will want) ce sera = it will be (This is “c’est” in the future) Choose one or two of these irregular verbs and write a developed sentence using them in the future tense. eg: À l’avenir je serai très riche et j’aurai une grande maison en France. Ma maison aura une piscine et un beau jardin.
Translation task Le week-end prochain j’irai à Londres avec mes copains. On voyagera en train et on écoutera de la musique en route. Le voyage durera environ deux heures. Samedi, on visitera le Palais de Buckingham, et on fera du shopping à Oxford Street. J’achèterai des vêtements et des souvenirs. Le soir, on regardera Billy Elliott au théâtre – ce sera génial! Dimanche, mes copains visiteront Madame Toussauds, mais à mon avis c’est trop cher, donc je visiterai le British Museum parce que c’est gratuit et c’est très intéressant. L’après-midi, on prendra le train et on retournera à Nottingham.
La réponse. Next weekend I will go to London with my friends. We will travel by train and we will listen to music on the way. The journey will last around two hours. On Saturday, we will visit Buckingham Palace, and we will go shopping on Oxford Street. I will buy clothes and souvenirs. In the evening, we will watch Billy Elliot at the theatre – it will be great! On Sunday, my friends will visit Madame Toussauds, but in my opinion it’s expensive, so I will visit the British Museum because it’s free and very interesting. In the afternoon we will take the train and we will return to Nottingham. Mark yourself out of 10 for how close you got to translating this accurately. 10 being the best. Just because you may not have used the exact same words does not mean it isn’t a good translation. As long as you got the same meaning across.
Future tense practice Fill the gap with the correct future tense form of the verb (the infinitive is given in brackets). Remember to refer to the verb endings in your book. jouerai passerons mangera regarderont resterai attendrai vendra finiront EXT: Choose 3 of the sentences to translate into English.
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