1 Present tense conjugations of regular –ER verbs By: The Rhode Island Foundation Revised by: Maria Skrukrud Les Verbes -ER.

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2 1 Present tense conjugations of regular –ER verbs By: The Rhode Island Foundation Revised by: Maria Skrukrud Les Verbes -ER

3 2 1. –ER verbs 2. –IR verbs and 3. –RE verbs In French there are 3 classes of verbs:

4 3 But, before we get started, what is an infinitive in English? We will start first with the –ER VERBS. After you have mastered these, the others will be easier to learn. An infinitive is the verb including the word “to”; to talk, to eat, to live, etc. In order to speak and write in sentences we have to conjugate our verbs; I talk, you eat, he lives. We do the same in French. Let’s get started!

5 4 Les Pronoms Sujets en français (Subject Pronouns) SingularJetu il / elle Pluralnousvous Ils / elles

6 5 Every verb has 2 parts: Chanter= chant- Danser= dans- Parler= parl- Jouer= jou- Manger= mang- STEM+ENDING Nager= nag- Écouter= écout- Étudier= étudi- Regarder= regard- Voyager= voyag- + ER

7 6 To form the present tense: STEM + Verb ending -e-es-e-ons-ez-ent

8 7 Par exemple…: parler parler parlparlparlparlparlparlarararararareeseonsezent First, drop off the –ER ending and then add on the new ending.

9 8 Par exemple…: étudier étudier étudiétudiétudiétudiétudiétudieeseonsezent

10 9 Par exemple…: nager nager nagnagnagnagnagnageese E ons ezent

11 10 Quelles sont les formes de…? Parler- to speakParler- to speak Chanter- to singChanter- to sing Danser- to danceDanser- to dance Manger- to eatManger- to eat Regarder- to watch, look atRegarder- to watch, look at

12 11 Quelle est la forme correcte? Nous parlons il parle au téléphone parler

13 12 Quelle est la forme correct? Jacques et Fifi dansent Laura et moi dansons danser

14 13 Quelle est le forme correcte? Je chante Elle chanter

15 14 Quelle est la forme correcte? vous mangez Ils mangent manger

16 15 Quelle est la forme correcte? Mes amies regardent Tu Regardes la tele. regarder

17 16 Quelle est la forme correcte? Elles voyagent Je voyage voyager

18 17 Quelle est la forme correcte? Les garçons Jouent au foot. Il joue jouer

19 18 Le fin… (Nous avons fini…)

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