Alien has just landed in Disneyland Paris and is at the tourist information centre. He needs some help with asking questions.

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Présentation au sujet: "Alien has just landed in Disneyland Paris and is at the tourist information centre. He needs some help with asking questions."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Alien has just landed in Disneyland Paris and is at the tourist information centre. He needs some help with asking questions.

2 By the end of the lesson we will know how to ask questions so that Alien can plan his holiday.


4 Avez-vous…? Est-ce qu’il y a… ? Où est…? Est-ce que je peux…? Have you got…? Is there …? Where is …? Can I …?

5 Avez-vous…? Est-ce qu’il y a… ? Où est…? Est-ce que je peux…? Is there …? Where is …? Can I …? Have you got…? Match the French to English!

6 1.les personnages disney 2.un plan du parc disneyland 3.une liste des activités 4.les billets 5.les spectacles et parades 6.les montagnes russes Find out and write what these mean in English

7 1.Have you got a map of Disneyland? 2.Where is the bus stop? 3.Where is the roller coaster? 4.Is there a shop? 5.Where is the show today (aujourd’hui)? 6.Can I buy (acheter) tickets? Can you help me? Now try to create 4 questions of your own!

8 Writing Task 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Now try to create 4 questions of your own!

9 Avez- vous… Où est… Est-ce qu’il y a… Est-ce que je peux voir… les personnages disney un plan du parc disneyland une liste des activités les billetsles spectacles et parades les montagnes russes

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