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la classe de français le 11 mai, 2015
Project de musique la classe de français le 11 mai, 2015
Project Guidelines Pick a French-speaking artist and one of their songs. The song must be in French – it can not be a translated song. It can not have swearing in it and must be appropriate for school. Once you've found your song, bring it to Ms. Lydia so she can review that it has no swearing and is appropriate. *Your song must be approved by Ms. Lydia* A list of different artists and a few song examples will be provided to guide your research. You can pick any of the artists listed or another artist who is not on the list. Every student in the class must choose a different song and artist
Your work must include the following information:
Where the artist is from When they wrote this song/song release date Lyrics of the song A translation of the lyrics from French to English What the song is about – Write a summary of the song; give evidence What you think about this song (your thoughts) An interesting line that spoke to you, you find interesting, agree with or do not agree with - Copy the line, explain your thoughts, give examples
Give thorough explanations
In your answers… Be detailed Give thorough explanations Provide evidence
-Non, je ne regrette rien
Artists & Songs Artist Song Yelle -À cause des garçons -Ce jeu -Safari Disco Club Stromae -Papaoutai -Alors on danse -Tous les mêmes Grégoire -Soleil --Toi plus moi Sexion d’assaut -Désolé -Avant qu’elle parte Coeur de pirate -Danse et danse -Comme des enfants Mika -Elle me dit Édith Piaf -Non, je ne regrette rien -Tu es partout Maître Gims -J’me tire -Épuisé MC Solaar -Caroline
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