Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal)

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2 Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal) vous – you (formal/ plural) Il – he, it Ils- they (m. or m.&f.) Elle- she, it elles –they (f.) On – one, they e.g. Nous chantons.

3  Object pronouns receive the action of the verb.  Paul sees me.  You invite us.  They invite you (all).  I thank you.  She wants to speak to me.  The French object pronouns for me, you,us  You all are: me (m’), te, (t’) nous and vous.

4  Paul me regarde.  Il nous aime.  Nous te parlons.  Elle vous aime.  Berthe va me voir.  Georges ne m’aime pas.  Je te remercie.  Notice that the object pronoun is placed before the verb in most sentences.

5  Pierre invites me to the exhibit.  We see you all.  She is speaking to us.  We want to see you. (singular)  They help us.

6  Me =me, to me, for me  te = you, to you, for you  Nous = us, to us, for us  Vous = you (all), to you, for you.  Papa m’achète une tarte.  Nous vous achetons des sodas.

7  Affirmative commands: 1. Attach the pronoun to the command. 2. Change: me – moi, te- toi. 3. Apporte-moi un soda s’il te plaît. 4. Donnez-nous du pain, s’il vous plaît. 5. Lève-toi.

8  Place the object pronoun before the verb. Use Me, te instead of moi and toi. Ne me parle pas. Ne nous invitez pas. Ne me regarde pas

9  Word order:  Subject and verb + pronoun object+ infinitive  Je voudrais te voir.  Nous allons vous aider.  Pierre ne veut pas nous attendre.  Tu vas me chercher.

10  me (m’) menous us  te (t’) you (fam.)vousyou  Le (l’) him, itlesthem  la (l’) her, itlesthem

11  Marie prend le livre.  Marie le prend.  Jeanne voit Pierre.  Jeanne le voit.  Jacques cherche la photo.  Jacques la cherche.  Nous envoyons les lettres.  Nous les envoyons.

12  The direct object pronoun is placed directly before the verb of which it is object.  Je l’apporte.  Nous ne la voyons pas.  Elle va les finir  Nous n’allons pas le voir.

13  The verbs écouter (listen to), regarder (look at),chercher (look for), attendre (wait for)and demander (ask for),take a direct object in French even though a preposition is used in English.  Je les écoute. I listen to them.  On la cherche. They are looking for her.

14  Le, la, l’ and les follow the same rules of placement as the other object pronouns.  Affirmative Negative  Regarde-les. Ne les regarde pas.  Attendez-la. Ne l’attendez pas.  Écoutez-le. Ne l’écoutez pas.  Cherche-la. Ne la cherche pas.

15  In the passé composé the pronoun object comes before the helping verb avoir.  The past participle will agree with the preceding direct object.  Let’s look at the following sentences.  Hier, j’ai vu Henri.  Henri is the direct object of the verb.  When we replace Henri with a pronoun, we will place it directly before both verbs.  Je l’ai vu. (Je ne l’ai pas vu.)

16  If the pronoun object is feminine or plural the past participle will agree with it.  Tu as vu Pierrette?  Oui, je l’ai vue.  Tu as acheté les carottes?  Oui, je les ai achetées.  Tu as fini les devoirs?  Oui, je les ai finis.  (Non, je ne les ai pas finis.)

17  This agreement of the past participle only applies if there is a direct object and it comes before the verb. There must be a past participle (e.g. vu, acheté, fini, vendu).  Examine the following sentences.  Nous avons vu Simone et Claudette.  Nous les avons vues.  Nous les voyons. (present tense)  Nous allons les voir. (near future)

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