Tips & Tricks: Engage your students with your enhanced SMART lessons Assistive Technology Workshop presented by: Nate Maier.

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1 Tips & Tricks: Engage your students with your enhanced SMART lessons Assistive Technology Workshop presented by: Nate Maier

2 The old rub and reveal trick... = des baguettes This effect can be achieved by making the ink of your pen the same color as your background. To reveal the information, simply erase the ink, and your typed text will magically appear.

3 manger écouter faire la cuisine Above and Below les noms Pull Place a shape (blue box) on your page using the shape tool. Place a question above the shape and type the possible answers off to the side. Select all of the correct answers, and right click on them. Select order and bring to front. Click on all of the incorrect answers, and right click on them. Select order and send to back. The incorrect answers magically disappear when dragged into the box. les voitures les bananes

4 l'Agent Secret Jacques Bondex a écrit un message en encre magique. Utilisez le cercle pour découvrir les mots et reconstruire le texte du message Pull To reveal your secret message, type out your message on the page. Select all of your words that you typed out, and change their color to match that of the background. (I used white text with a white background, and it is now invisible) Create your magnifying glass, and make it a color other than white. Right click on the glass and choose order, send to back. Your magnifying glass now reveals the secret message. Thanks for coming this morning jaune

5 l'Agent Secret Jacques Bondex a écrit un numéro de téléphone en encre magique. Regardez le cercle pour découvrir le numéro 19 25 21

6 la tortuga la vaca La Caja mágica el perro el caballo el pez el gato

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 Quelle heure est-il ? Il est une heure Il est trois heures Il est quatre heures Il est cinq heures Il est six heures Il est sept heures Il est huit heures Il est neuf heures Il est dix heures Il est onze heures Il est douze heures Same concept as slide 2

8 Les cours les maths les sciences le français les arts plastiques l'anglais Pull Il me faut un stylo. Il me faut ma calculatrice. Il me faut mon classeur. Il me faut des shorts. Il me faut des crayons de couleur.

9 Qu'est-ce qu'il y a au dessus? en bas? What's on the top and bottom? Pll Place all of your vocabulary photos on the page. Select all of the images at once and right click on properties. Once inside of properties, change the transparency.

10 chambre Word Escape Guess the word to help it escape! Pl Group your words and your box together. Right click on the object and select order send to back.

11 Resources

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