Venir. Venir is an irregular verb. There are two other verbs that conjugate like venir. They are devenir – to become revenir – to come back.

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Présentation au sujet: "Venir. Venir is an irregular verb. There are two other verbs that conjugate like venir. They are devenir – to become revenir – to come back."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Venir

2 Venir is an irregular verb. There are two other verbs that conjugate like venir. They are devenir – to become revenir – to come back.

3 Venir je viens tu viens il vient elle vient on vient nous venons vous venez ils viennent elles viennent

4 Devenir je deviens tu deviens il devient elle devient on devient nous devenons vous devenez ils deviennent elles deviennent

5 Revenir je reviens tu reviens il revient elle revient on revient nous revenons vous revenez ils reviennent elles reviennent

6 We are coming to your house. Nous venons à ta maison You are coming back after class. Tu reviens après les cours. They are coming back tomorrow. Ils reviennent demain. You all are becoming boring. Vous devenez ennuyeux.

7 You use venir de to say something just took place. You will conjugate venir. You will then have the “de” and an infinitive. The “de” will become d’ if the infinitive begins with a vowel or vowel sound.

8 She just arrived. Elle vient d’arriver. We just spoke. Nous venons de parler. They just played. Ils viennent de jouer.

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