Mettre. First, let’s review the irregular verbs we know. Think of as many as you can, while I hand out whiteboards.

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1 Mettre

2 First, let’s review the irregular verbs we know. Think of as many as you can, while I hand out whiteboards.

3 Here are the ones you have learned so far. pouvoir prendre boire devoir recevoir être avoir aller faire vouloir Make sure you know what each one means and how to conjugate it.

4 Now back to “mettre” This is the last irregular verb we will learn in French 1!! Of course, we will also have a quiz on it next class so pay attention.

5 Meanings and conjugations Mettre has three meanings: o to put, to place, to set These are the conjugations: Je metsNous mettons Tu metsVous mettez Elle metIls mettent

6 Mettre is used in a few expressions. mettre une chemise/une cravate o to put on a shirt/a tie (or any other piece of clothing) mettre la table o to set the table mettre la télévision o to turn on the television

7 Use a form of mettre below. Il ___________ une chemise et une cravate pour aller au travail. met Les serveurs ____________________ la table au restaurant. mettent On ______________ la télévision pour regarder un film. met

8 Use a form of mettre below. 1.Le vendeur __________ un complet et une cravate quand il travaille. 2.Mes frères _____________ la table dans la salle à manger, mais notre mère veut __________ la table dans la cuisine. 3.Qu’est-ce que vous ______________ pour faire les courses? 4.Je __________ les sandales, mais elles sont trop petites. 5.Nous _____________ la télévision après le dîner, mais tu __________ la radio?

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