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Publié parFrancis Leduc Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
1 of 27 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Common irregular verbs in the present tense This icon indicates the slide contains activities created in Flash. These activities are not editable. For more detailed instructions, see the User Guide presentation. This icon indicates that the slide contains sound.
© Boardworks Ltd 20062 of 27 J’ Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles ai as a avons avez ont I have, I am having You have, you are having He / she has, he / she is having We have, we are having You have, you are having They have, they are having The present tense of avoir 1 Here is the whole of the verb avoir in the present tense. It means ‘to have’ in English. Here is the whole of the verb avoir in the present tense. It means ‘to have’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 20063 of 27 The present tense of avoir 2
© Boardworks Ltd 20064 of 27 The present tense of avoir 3
© Boardworks Ltd 20065 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles m’appelle t’appelles s’appelle nous appelons vous appelez s’appellent I am called, my name is You are called, your name is He / she is called, his / her name is We are called, our names are You are called, your name is / names are They are called, their names are The present tense of s’appeler 1 Here is the whole of the verb s’appeler in the present tense. It means ‘to be called’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 20066 of 27 The present tense of s’appeler 2
© Boardworks Ltd 20067 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles suis es est sommes êtes sont I am, I am being You are, you are being He / she is, he / she is being We are, we are being You are, you are being They are, they are being The present tense of être 1 Here is the whole of the verb être in the present tense. It means ‘to be’ in English. Here is the whole of the verb être in the present tense. It means ‘to be’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 20068 of 27 The present tense of être 2
© Boardworks Ltd 20069 of 27 Present tense of avoir, s’appeler and être
© Boardworks Ltd 200610 of 27 Expressions with avoir and être 1 J’ai froid! Je suis enrhumé!J’ai mal au cœur!J’ai de la fièvre! J’ai soif!Je suis fatiguée!
© Boardworks Ltd 200611 of 27 J’ai froid! Je suis enrhumé! J’ai mal au cœur! J’ai la diarrhée! J’ai soif! Je suis fatigué! avoir être avoir Expressions with avoir and être 2 You need to make sure you know which to use, as French expressions don’t always use the verb that we might expect from our knowledge of the equivalent English expression. Which of these expressions use the verb avoir and which use the verb être?
© Boardworks Ltd 200612 of 27 Expressions with avoir and être 3
© Boardworks Ltd 200613 of 27 avoir chaud avoir froid avoir mal avoir peur avoir besoin de avoir envie de J’ai chaud. Il fait au moins 32° aujourd’hui! Il neige dehors. J’ai froid! Tu as mal? Oui, j’ai mal à la tête. J’ai peur des serpents. Ils sont horribles! J’ai très soif – j’ai besoin d’un verre d’eau. Je suis fatiguée. J’ai envie de me coucher. Expressions with avoir and être 4 Voici quelques expressions qui utilisent le verbe avoir. Pouvez-vous les traduire?
© Boardworks Ltd 200614 of 27 Expressions with avoir and être 5 Voici quelques expressions qui utilisent le verbe être. Pouvez-vous en faire des phrases? être malade être constipé(e) être gros(se) être fort(e) être faible être mince être content(e) être triste être maigre
© Boardworks Ltd 200615 of 27 Remplissez les blancs avec avoir ou être en utilisant la forme approprié du verbe. 1Je _______ malade. 2Tu _______ faim? 3Il _______ mal au cœur. 4Nous _______ malades. 5Vous _______ envie de sortir? 6Ils _______ la diarrhée. 7J’ _______ soif. 8Tu _______ trop maigre. 9Elle _______ fatiguée. 10Nous _______ très chaud. 11Vous _______ constipé? 12Elles _______ enrhumées. suis as a sommes avez ont ai es est avons êtes sont Expressions with avoir and être 6 avoir – to have j’ai tu as il a nous avons vous avez ils ont être – to be je suis tu es il est nous sommes vous êtes ils sont Click to see the two verbs in full.
© Boardworks Ltd 200616 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles vais vas vava allons allez vont I go, I am going You go, you are going He / she goes, he / she is going We go, we are going You go, you are going They go, they are going The present tense of aller 1 Here is the whole of the verb aller. It means ‘to go’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 200617 of 27 The present tense of aller 2
© Boardworks Ltd 200618 of 27 The present tense of aller 3
© Boardworks Ltd 200619 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles fais faisfais fait faisons faites font I do, I am doing You do, you are doing He / she does, he / she is doing We do, we are doing You do, you are doing They do, they are doing The present tense of faire 1 Here is the whole of the verb faire. It means ‘to do’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 200620 of 27 The present tense of faire 2
© Boardworks Ltd 200621 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles lislis lis lit lisons lisez lisent I read, I am reading You read, you are reading He / she reads, he / she is reading We read, we are reading You read, you are reading They read, they are reading The present tense of lire 1 Here is the whole of the verb lire. It means ‘to read’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 200622 of 27 The present tense of lire 2
© Boardworks Ltd 200623 of 27 Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles prends prend prenons prenez prennent I take, I am taking You take, you are taking He / she takes, he / she is taking We take, we are taking You take, you are taking They take, they are taking The present tense of prendre 1 Here is the whole of the verb prendre. It means ‘to take’ in English.
© Boardworks Ltd 200624 of 27 The present tense of prendre 2
© Boardworks Ltd 200625 of 27 Irregular verbs 1
© Boardworks Ltd 200626 of 27 Irregular verbs 2
© Boardworks Ltd 200627 of 27 Irregular verbs 3
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